I* EH" C E L .
rringflla. n ivalis; ZZvrmj .
ox/Stent/iyJS/Z.GctUS' JKxHt&iy OSnUnuouUU
FringiHia nivalis. Linn.
,1U Ga'OS-bf«: Unite rx ¡>:l»
Tins species o f Finch >•»• $fc
iP IP ?
genus Plectrophanes, that in low few*» with; *mkw-
of M. Teromincfc in sltitt1 retain*»# fit fy fifl n^m Jv^».Afk.
more typical tthitiitfiBM tiki ««>!.*• «ti-iiiijftiifceffs, -aw- .>*
appearance, as the ftiawv Slflntfing, PkcfrtythijsM n*mh$ i Hu
strictly resemljJcs lh a t of FringiUa, denotes
ceived, uniting a* H does in the most eonipkte mMineir the spec
Still it cannot be denied that the Snow FSnch has as grea
claim t
Bunting, possessing at. it does characters so essentially different fr
We are led to believe from its form and the imperfect accoun:
p u l a l is h e d j ape
habits are in a great measure terrestrial, although it chooses the
Pyrenees, and other mountainous districts of Europe, the British Isles excejl
regions, upon the very verge of perjiefjal «now and ice, it dwells in umiiolest
food which nature has destined for its support. This, according to M. Tea
mixed nature, consisting o f seeds o f varwKiib hinds, often- that o f the fir cone
I t builds its nest in crevices o f the rocks, laying four or five eggs yf a light p
ash-coloured dots, intermingled with blotches of dark green.
'The sexes offer but little difference in plumage; neither does the summer
variation, the beak being more or less yellow in winter, but deep black in summed.
In the male the top of-the,bead, the cheeks and hack p f the neck ire of a blueish ash
and the two secondary fkasliKit-B peiarest the body are deep brown 5 all these feathers being |
* lighter colour; the rern^tnlbf«' of nl«! secondaries, the wbg-csoverfs. and die eovem ;
w hite; tail-white, with the iRte^bk*«. of * ! 4 |i Snrfam, «dmth art and
vrith the same colour5 <piiH-feafchcri< j.jw pysis .¡r<- • t; *v!.;.--u - i: •
brown. Him description nppltes to- tfee f a u & afe#, except w ft«** <•; tfc y
«¿aged with rusty brawn* amfi brown jweteafit erf-' Ujttk,
We have figured a male in ¡WiWtofc* obms-.»gik .¡»«si * fi -.it.. 1
that its
hi these d. barrel
surity, and there fiads that
t rfwild seem to be of *i
various species of insects,
irregularly sprinkled vfith
winter dress exhibit much
M i
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