JSraumfivnoJ/tUur^ .6 010 -Stono ¿y GouZdo
Garrulus Glandanus -, (Brifs:)
JivU oti ty C. ÆUlnuau&i-
¡ f i l i
G en . C har. B i ll sh o rte r th an the h e ad , cxBMeal,
deflected towards the tipi which is. Saintly esnai
Squill thickness, and having its euloketi ecitudiv coi
stra ight; head crested. N o d r ifa basal, lateral, hide
Wings rounded, w ith the first cjqiflrfeatlter ¡j.horfc|
len gth, and th e longest in the w h ig , ,?§»/ square
iu the genus Comm. Tarsi longer th& midd
the middle one, and longer than jiflif ■ ijajwvr; him
. stout, moderately curved wad shanp •; that on the
I l i ÉÉiiÉ‘1 ©
T his common haft extremely onimai««iiul feiid i* dw greair-f- petetkm of ¡lu: ■.
Europe, and WWPtjNf: with one jfiiiftiji the Himalaya mtkistiMi.1« , and another u’Iticìi .we have seen, tr
from either,, lignei- «.ansali but wlbdefthed gr<wp, which. ¡ippcars bi> iMge intermediate bctweer
group and the to sdihil the generic (Jarrwlm^hôwkl i»i■■strictlylimited. to 'i\\
of the Bine day ot America, 'and. fcta ••{‘•sarly- itühêd together *vjî r» the dramtîtts fantwÂ
Himalaya mountains. Tlius cM«tt>UMt!gf!foed, the, tirtty* «Ìji^ h «ili he ibund to be exclusively peculiar
World. '
The Common Jay of Europe b a noisy, shy, uad crafty bird, ¿lading observation by' resorting
to the more dense, parts of woods and'thick hedgerows, Okd '» almost entirely.arbores! in its h'alj
going on thè¡ ground, and when it dofts, it is among thickets and bushes, which conceal it from
chief sul»iytwkR*'e«^ii68 jfii ¿tirift?, berries, and Leguminous seeds, while the season lasts, sogetlw
Imvte o f !3tei»#iCISK,. itk>thai$, gju$»8ji Hit;:.,, and Occasionally the young ami eggs of birds. It» propensi
4 S } P i f c i & j w a f t aw m jjortkmit •«$ Eojrope.
| | | | J mo** ò c Ì à . - ì ^ *w“ riti' ® j | Ì Ì | l 1 |é | | j | | l | | ill Ì # ! | j j | |
externally o f Xtsaiftl: -Hit Pf*••¡ysPk:;;>s?y{; o f ìHÌIIì^H^ì '&T!- ’the ryrc <uvn ;
in number,^-h;pp:|^S8ii'M e h w f i p ^ i j i b Hf c # ¡ t j wb ' i f i w . ’Mwwi-:gipii$*11$ .¡-'mi-'
a luyform dull gjrdhfC- .
At Certain 8C!lM>nfl 1:14! As* '"I -*HSHt|ìl; |p i i ||||l | 'tft(W8^iiiki>5t6 jÌ^j| M dw> $
There ̧j H I plimià«;?: $ ffti; ‘-.¡nnh sftlf IM tó -uà the l ^ p i P I
closelv assùmiate* io r,l*e ¡ailHilj ijii >-■ .hiuring. h i ìììrs bàtti WsiwmeH a favourite, from il
fami liar mwimtrs, aind li*.Appuntò-w"ktertiiing svoavl* ai«l «¡a'tati
Bill black, from ih t basé o f ù'|tì*fh 11, Sàrge tBwnssiWlM! «f the sattie col«?ur;eittemi» over dw? chc«l<
;l>lack, eixhibiting; m th ey due whok^-of tlm
well- as the • under, is, vvifib kìm;^ ffòicnjuljÓR -isilj film tapper nod nt»ier t a i l ^ m ’!^ (vdiscB white1: ;
'..vinous or reddish ash colour j sidaigfi oi'oytij'nintt.’d wSitb *\ jiiyiriftifei blue speculum basvesl '*Pp!i
shoulders chestnut barred tilth dsiitky. iwcivc s the prèaiwriiw; a«a siivory u-U.'-- ■ i; --uu- :-
secondaries òro black, except the lint three or kwr fcatha><{|^ which arc white-at their hww? t. ¡¡.ei 1«!
middle fa th e rs exhilnting iiUut fndksattons of blue bars nt.tfeiisr bsset iridcs biuiMih ?.••»••.. *.i«f