is 11 feet 2 inches in height. A plant at Mr Sandbach's feat, Hafodunos, in Denbighfhire, on clay-date
formation, and between 800 and 900 feet above the level of the fea, is 8 feet high. At Eaftnor Caftle, in
Herefordfhire, one fpecimen (a variety which throws out its branches horizontally, and has the young growth
drooping gracefully) is feet high. Another more eredt and lefs graceful grower is 7 feet 3 inches. The
foil there is poor heavy loam, and the geological formation limeftone. At Cole Orton Hall, in Leicefterfliire,
in a rather expofed fituation, growing in fandy loam, on clay and fandftone rock, is a plant 7 feet high.
At Wellbeck Abbey, in the fame county, there is another upwards of 7 feet high. The rate of growth,
therefore, feems on the average to have been about a foot per annum. After reaching a certain height,
its growth becomes proportionally more rapid.
Commercial Stati/lics.—In 1856, the price of i-year feedlings was 15s. each; in 1858, 2-year feedlings
were fold at 2s. 6d. each, and plants 6 inches high at 17s. 6d. In 1862, i-year feedlings coft 75s. per 100;
and in 1865, plants 9 to 12 inches were fold at 50s. per 100. The price of feeds in 1862 was 7s. 6d. per
100; in 1865, 2s. 6d. per 100.