cinnamon-coloured. The timber is foft and white. Confiderable variations occur in certain parts, more
particularly in the proportions of the bracts of the fcales. The prolonged point is fometimes longer than
in others, which has led fome to imagine that there may be more than one fpecies included under
the general name of P. nobilis. Dr Newberry feems to lean to this view. He ftates that his obfcrvations
did not fully accord with thofe which have been publifhed in regard to it; and that the fpecimens which he
brought home differed fo much from thofe before obtained from the fame region and from each other, that
he thought it neceffary to point out thefe differences. He gives figures of the cone, fcales, feeds, and leaf,
taken from fpecimens obtained from a young tree in the Cafcade Mountains, 150 miles fouth of the
Columbia, for which he claims the merit of perfedt accuracy. The following figures fhew the different
forms of the bradt, fo far as our information yet goes:
In relation to this point, Dr Newberry fays: " A large cone was brought to me from the bafe of Mount
Hood, by Mr C. D. Anderfon, which I could refer to no tree but this; and yet the brads, though fimilar
in form to thofe of the cone now figured [fig. 14], were much smaller, covering only a very fmall portion of
the furface of the cone ; and the charadteriftic appearance of the cone of P. nobilis was entirely loft. The
leaves, fcales, feeds, and wings, however, were fimilar to thofe figured." Loudon, again, in his defcription,
drawn from Douglas's fpecimen, reprefents the leaves as diftichal and trigonal, with a longitudinal furrow.
In the tree introduced into this country, as well as in Dr Newberry's fpecimens, the leaves are in many
rows, fo thickly fet on all fides of the branches, except on the under fide, where they are lefs crowded, that
their bafes are feparated by fpaces no larger than thofe they occupy; but the clofenefs of the leaves is a
point in which great variation occurs, probably depending upon the health and age of the plant. As in
mod other coniferous trees alfo, there is confiderable variation in the colour of the foliage, fome individuals
being more glaucous than others—fo much fo, that one variety is known by the name of P. nobilis glauca.
This arifes from the greater or lefs number of ftomata on the furface of the leaves. One variety has the
[ 1 ] B leaf