height is only 24 feet; it grows upon a ftony and dry foil. The tree does not feem to be affected much by
the quality of the foil in which it grows, although it thrives beft in good foil. It appears more dependent
upon the degree of elevation above the fea. In the higher diftri&s in Scotland it does not thrive, being
very apt to be nipped by the fpring frofts. A fine plant at Jeddefley Park, in Staffordfhire, 400 feet above
the level of the fea, was killed in the winter of 1860-61. One, 14 feet high, at Eaftnor Caftle, Herefordfhire,
growing at an elevation of 600 feet, and with an expofure to the fouth and fouth-weft, only fuffers
in fpring when the frofts are fharp or the buds too advanced. In fome localities, however, the tree has
difficulty in getting beyond the dimenfions of a large bufh. It is not in every inftance that the ground and
climate feem to fuit it, fo as to allow it to ftart freely.
At Caftle Martyr, near Cork, there is a group of P. Cephalonica, planted-out fmall feedlings in 1848.
The largeft of thefe is now 22 feet high, 17 feet wide through the branches, and the girth of its ftem is
2 feet 8 inches.
The plant ftrikes readily from cuttings. For feveral years we employed native collectors, from whom
confiderable quantities of feed were received, and invariably in the cones. The value of the feed thus
imported varied confiderably. Sometimes fcarcely one feed in a hundred vegetated; in other years very
few failures took place. The uncertainty attached to thefe importations, and the confequent lofs incurred,
led us, feven years ago, to ceafe our importations. Since then, a few parcels find their way every year to
this country, through various channels, and young plants are now tolerably plentiful.
Commercial Statijlics.—Introduced in 1832. As already mentioned, the prices paid in 1837 were 25
guineas for a fingle plant; in 1850, plants from 9 to 12 inches high, in pots, coft 2s. 6d. each; in 1863,
plants of the fame kind may be purchafed for ^3, 10s. per 100. Price of feed in 1863, 8s. 6d. to 10s. per lb.