IDENTIFICATION.—CUPRESSUS LAWSONIANA, Murray, in Edin. New Phil Jour. (New Series), vol. i. p. 292 (April 1855); Gordon,
Pinetum, p. 62 (1858); and Supplement, p. 24 (1862).
PORT ORFORD CEDAR of the Californian Settlers.
ENGRAVINGS.—Cones and Leaves.—Murray, in Edin. Nru* Phil. Jour. (loe. eit.)
Specific Characler.—C. ramulis quadrangulis mediocritcr compreffis flexuofis, foliis dccuffatis quadnferiatis
adpreffis, ftrobilis polygonis pedunculatis, fquamis numero fex fere planis mucronatis, feminibus
compreffis auriculatis.
Habitat in California boreali circa lat. 40° to 42°.
Branchlets quadrangular, compreffed ; branches flexuofe, crowded, afcending; leaves decuffate, ovate,
glaucous, adpreffed in four imbricated rows, each, as in the reft of the genus, with a longitudinal gland
in the middle of the back; the form of the leaves and pofition of the glands are fliewn in the woodcut
[fig. 1]. Small ftomata are difperfcd on each fide of the leaf. In fome of the young plants of this
fpecies, a certain amount of variation may be feen . the 1 Fi : reprefents the ordinary form,
fig. 3 the lefs common afpect, of the natural fize. Fig. 1 reprefents the former and fig. 4 the latter, both
magnified. Fig. 5 reprefents the more elongate and younger leaves ftill more highly magnified, and
fhews the difpofition of the ftomata along each fide of the leaf; and figs. 6 and 7 the relative
form of the infertion [a a) of the leaf. It does not appear to be a younger or older form, for
it is feen in fome and not in other plants. Male flowers of a beautiful red colour, forming a
charming object early in fpring [fig. 8, of the natural fize]. Cones [fig. 9, magnified] folitary,
terminal, polygonal, of a light brown colour, fomewhat foft in texture, about the fize of a large ' " 9
pea, pedunculated; fcales, ufually fix in number, flat, rough, light brown, corticaceous, irregularly four
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