.. The city fiands in a plain, bounded on one fide by extenlive mountains, and on the
other by the fea.
T h e country is watered by feveral rivers; among which are the Las, Ligoutier, La Beat,
&c. which winding in various dirediions among the furroiuiding hills, and acrofs meadows,
form a very beautiful and intereiling fcene.
Oppofite the harboiu: ftands the imall town of La Seine, feated at the foot of the moimtain
de GraiTe.
T h e lituation of this little town is delightful compriling an extenlive view of a rich
and fertile country, as alfo the entrance of the harbo\ir, and the whol e range of moimtains
north of the city.
R E F E R E N C E S .
A Tbe Old Dock.
B New or Royal Dock.
C Fort St, Catherine,
t) Fort Daitigue,
E Fort St. Antoine,
F Fort La Malgue.
G Fort Lewis.
H Battery of Cape Bnm.
I Cliiiteau St. Marguerite.
K- Fort Malboufquet.
L Battery of Goubran.
M Frencli rcdoobt taken by tlie Engliai, and retaken by
the enemies witli General O'Hara.
N Battery of Notre Dime de la Bregue,
O Bovirg de li Seine.
P Fort L'Aiguillette.
Û Fort Balaguier.
R Fort of Grofle Tour,
S Tlic Lawretlo.
T St. Maudrier's Hofpital.
V EngliUi redoubts on the mouotain of La Croix des
X Battel of La Croii des Signaux.
Y Engliih Camp on the mountain of La GraiTe, fianked
with three redoubu, abatis, chevaux de frife, &c.
to cover the foru L'Aigmliette and Balaguier,
taken by the enenuoe in the lafl aétion.
Z Heights of St. Catherine's, St. Ann's, and La Charité,
ab Heights of Notre Dame de la Garde,
ae FortPhîiron.
B. For B more extenfive explanation, vide the beautiful
Map of the South of France, publillied by
Mr. FADSS, Geographer to his Majefty, and his
Royal Highnefs the Prince of "Wales,