Altliough the city is not fo ftrongly fortified by land as by fea, yet the works are in
excellent order, confiíling of fcven baftions á orillions, curtains, half moons, ditches, covert
way, &c. but withoxtt any out works, except fome lines flanked by redans and baftions,
which connedi; thefe fortifications eail of the town to thofe of Fort Malgüe, fitnated on an
eminence which commands the harbour, the road, and the city.
Bcfides thefe fortifications there are alfo feveral redoubts and fortins, or fmall forts, conilniifted
on the heights north of the plain where tlie town flands. Thefe forts are St. Catlierinc,
Dartique, Miilici, &c. but as moñ of tliem are commanded by oilier redoubts
ÍH11 more elevated, fuch as Fort Pharon and St. Antoine, it appears to be of the greateii
confequcnce to have pofleffion of them, otherwife the enemy might eafily annoy thofe
forts, which once in their hands, would enable them to open the trenchcs neareft the
The inner and outward road of Toiilon are well defended; the entrance of the firft
has fix hundred toifes, or three thoufand fix hundi-ed feet in width, and is ilrengthened by
four forts, viz. La Grofle Tour and St. Lewis on the eafl, and L'Eguillettc and Tour Balaguicr
on tlie wcfl:; bcfides a number of inferior batteries which line the coafl. The outward
road is terminated on the fouth by Cape Ccpet, fitnated at the extremity of the
pcninfula formed by the mountain of La Croix dcs Signaiix.
The cape, as well as the inteiior banks of the pcninfula, are flanked by batteries and
redoubts, on a level witli the fuiface of the water.
Lc Cap Brun, which lies north of the road, and near the foot of the mountain of Notre
Dame de la Garde, is almoil oppofite La Croix dcs Signaux.
The bafin here is fuppofcd to extend one thoufaiid four hundi-ed toiles, or eight tlioufand
four hundred feet, in width; its entrance and coall are guarded by excellent batteries,
credted on Cap Brim, St. Marguerite, St. Lewis, and La Malgüe.
Belidor, in his Hydraulic Architeéhire, vol. ii. page 57, fays, that in cafe a ihip fiiould
be fo difabled at fea as to lofe her anchors, &c. ihe may fafely be fufFcred to run a-ground
in the inner road, its bottom being molUy fand or mud.
The anchorage is good, and from four to feven fathom of water; every way fheltered
from high feas.
The environs of Tou!on arc extremely pidhirefque; tlie country fertile and romantic,
covered with luxuriant Q-ees of every kind, beautifully interfperfed witli charming villas.
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