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THIS fmall town, or rather vlUage, anciently called Hofpitellum, and at prelent Sofpello,
is fituated at the entrance of three fmall valleys, fouth-weft of La Glandola, and at the
foot of three prodigious high mountains.
The wild and barren appearance of thofe hideous and Ihipendous rocks, which nearly
furround it, ferve greatly, by conti-ait, to give ciFcdl to the beautiful and cheerful afped of
the adjacent country ; for its envii-ons are remarkable for their verdure and abundance,
occafioned by the fertilizing influence of the Bevcra, which waters its valley in its whole
length, combined with the mildnefs of its climate, being only 43° 55' lat. and 7® 20' Ion.
eaft of Greenwich.
The Bevera falls from the elevated fummit of the Col dc Raus (whidi is viftble towards
the nortli), and comes, as it were, naturally forming in its way a number of cafcades, to
animate and invigorate, by its pure and falubrious ilream, the induftry and atìivity of the
inhabitants, wliicli here, difplay thrmfelves with greater energy dian in any other part of
the Maritime Alps, if we may judge by the number of com and oil mills, befides tanneries,
which arc erefled on the banks of this river; as alfo by the increafe of their popiilation
fince the beginning of the prefent ceiitury, when they were computed only at five
thoufand eight hundred fouls, and now at fix thoufand nine hundred.
T1ÙS town lias not only the advantage of its fituation to boaft of, but may be confidercd
by natiiralifìs as a central point in this chain of the Alps, where curious and interefling
obfcrvations might be made in litliology and botany, which would confidcrably tend to the
advantage of tliofe fcicnces; die furrounding counlry affording ample materials for thefe
Having ilaid but a fhort time at Sofpcllo to refreih myfclf, I foon arrived at the
cnlvancc of a narrow valley called by the people of the country Beyra or Bevcra, from tlie
which runs through it. This valley tends in a direction from north to fouth ; and
from the vaft quantities of olives and v.aricty of fruits which cover the fides of the bordering
mountains, it appeared rich and well cultivated.