There meetings were jjeld in the open air, the fervicc being utiially performed in a
valley caUed the Defert, abont a mile or two from the town.
The Author had the fatisfa£lion in 1787 of attending one of thefe meetings, and never
will the fentiraents of adniiration and reipea with which he was infpircd by the iight of
this truly patriarchal devotion, aided by the awful and tnajcftic filencc of the auditors, be
effaced fi-om his memory.
Let the reader figure to himfeli the dehghtful and interefting fcene of upwards of fifteen
thoufand individuals, profcribcd as before mentioned on account of their religious principles,
aflTembled in the moil devout and peaccable manner, to chaunt the praifes of tlie Almighty,
and intercede for thofe who opprefled them: add to tJiis glorious and enchanting
fight, the prefence of a Prince of the illuftiuous Houfe of Brunfwick, with his family, promifcuouily
mingled with the people, combining their prayere to thofe of the mxiltitude,
with unaffe£ted devotion and fervour, and he will agree with the Author, that it is impoffible
by any verbal defcription to do juitice to fo fublime a fpe£tacle.
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