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They gave it the name of Caftrum Arenarum; and it was guarded by knights, who
bore the appellation of Milites Caftri Arenarum.
The Counts of Provence alio built, in the interior of the Amphitlieatre, a palace for
their refidcnce, and a church called St. Martin's; the fteeple of which is ftill in being.
In 1226, the Knights, who then guarded the citadel, yielded it to Lewis tlieEighth;
but in 1391, Charles the Sixth, having built another fort, the Coloffaeum was evacuated.
The houfes, however, which had been ereflied in the arena, remained. Francis the Firft,
in 1533, pairing through Nifmes, ordered them to be pulled down; but the misfortunes
which happened to him foon after prevented tlic completion of his delign. Similar
orders were iffned hy the late unfortunate monarch, Lewis the Sixteenth; but they have
not as yet been entirely dcmoliihed.
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