W t a t rd. t e to the agticnltm-e and ptoduffions of Nico I ftall .efe™ for the following
ctoptersi as likewifc a defcrlpüon of Cimies, or CcmíncUoi,. The annexed di-awing,
No. 11, will convey an idea of the exheme beanty and fertility of this enviable fpot. The
. was taken from half-way u p the monntain of St. Hnbe i t . oppofite to Cimies, an emion
which is built a convent, which beare the fame name.
At the extremity of this valley, at the foot of Üiofe monntaim, (lands the fnperb monallcry
of St. Pons or Pontins, erefled in the f.xteenth century at the cxpence of Charles
Üie Fi f th, Emperor of Germany and King of Spain.
This religious and venerable building merits Are atteuüou of every tanger who vilits
Nice, its diftance from theucc not exceeding three Englifl. miles. Ou the portico of the
church belonging to the raid convent is the following fepulclmd infeription, which, ftom
being unconnefled with the fpot where it is found, I am led to fuppofe that it has been
placed ürere merely by way of omammt , it being engruved on a beautifiil piece of white
marble. But there does not appear to be the leafl doubt of its having been originally
found at CemeneUon. The infeription runs thus:
M M. A.
Fiiviar. SaJULu. Carijjhn.
Jhm. Snma. Mlrac. Erg". MíiriíUJn.
Cajíitat. FM^dnac Quaí. T,x¡t
Aim. xxirj. M. i!¡. Dlíí. xii. Au'íHiu
Siiiji/nmm!, Aug. Lib. Gswrn,™. A¡^.
M^r!. El Aiiríüa. S^anuSo. Tdm.
Impalinulffim. Bnhr. Eius. MJHH!
Adi. Uejohíi. Ctrijm. Ac. Macnt.
Fie. El DkI.