greatly i and I do think it probable that it may owe its formation to feme volcanic operation
; a fuppofition I ihould certainly have tried to invcfligatc, had I not been unexpectedly
honoured with my fovereign's commands, to accompany His Royal Highnefs the Duke
of Glouceiler, who was then at Nice j but was foon to leave it, in order to travel in dilferent
parts of Europe, and who afterwards deigned to intmft me with the carc of Hia
Royal Highnefs Princc William's militaiy education ; and to whom I have ever finee had
the honour of being attached.
I therefore lirongly recommend naturaliils, who may be tempted to vifit that pai't of Û\e
foudi of France, not to forget taking this valley in their way, as likewife that chain of
mountains which extend from thence to Roccabigliera, where thei-e arc three hot fulpiiurcous
fprings, which deferve to be properly examined.
TheVar, which, prior to theFrench revolution, feparated his Sardinian Majefty's territories
from France, flows in a weftem dire<ftion from Nice, at about four miles from that
town, and one from Petit St. Laurent.
This muddy and thick river takes its fouree in the mountains of Barcellonetes, and is
continually changing its courfe, as is vifible from its bed, which extends above a mile in
breadth. It is likewife extremely difficult, and indeed dangerous, to ford ; for which reafon
the Sardinian and French governments, in order to prevent accidents, had men llationed
on its banks to ferve as guides, whofe ftipulated price was Uventy folsj but in general
fomething more was given.
This river isfo rapid and tremendous at the melting of the fnow, that although attempts
have frequently been made to conftruft a bridge acrofe, it has been found impraticable,
from the rapidity of its current and number of quickfands.
Its left bank is, however, delightful, being fercened by an extenfivc foreil which extends
along its courfe as far as the fea. There are, likewife, a number of curious plants interfperfed
along the coaft ; amongft which were the veronica maridma, plantago fubulata,
hefperis verna, antirrhinum linifolium, moras nigra, medicago marina, carlina corymbofa,
centaurea fonchifolia, athanafia maritima, and the afphodelus ramofus, fimilar to what I
had feen in tlie neighbourhood of Fcrrara.
Having croffed the Var, and been mofl firiAly fearehed by the officers of the Doiiane
belonging to St. Laurent, the firit city on the French territory, I purfued the route to
Antibes, leaving on my right the one which leads to Grace. Thofe two roads are as pleafant
as they are romantic.