16128 Right lunar. Hdet.
16129 Left lunar. H det.
16139 Right cuneiform. H det.
16137 Left cuneiform. H det.
16131 Right pisiform. H det.
16136 Left trapezium. H det.
16141 Right trapezoid. H det.
15874 Left magnum. H det.
16138 Right unciform. H det.
16135 Left unciform. H det.
15491 Incomplete metacarpal III. Ins: “R Ischium” [sic!]. Lit:
B 1927, p. 88 {Rhinoceros etruscusl).
16140 Proximal part of left metacarpal III. H det.
Hind limb
16134«, b Distal condyles of left femur. H det.
16200 Distal part of left tibia, damaged. H det.
15502 Damaged right astragalus, corresponding with cuboid no.
15503 Lit: B 1927, p. 98, pi. 12 f. 14a-c.
16146 Left astragalus. H det.
16148 Right calcaneum. H det.
16163 Left mesocuneiform. H det.
16160 Part of right mesocuneiform. H det.
16159 Right ectocuneiform. H det.
16162 Part of right cuboid. H det.
16161 Part of left cuboid. H det.
15503 Nearly complete right cuboid, corresponding to astragalus
no. 15502. Lit: B 1927, p. 102, pi. 12 f. 7.
16153 Left metatarsal II. H det.
16154 Proximal part of right metatarsal IV. H det.
16155 Incomplete left metatarsal IV. H det.
Fore or hind limb
16156«-g Sesamoid bones. H det.
16152«, b Fragments of the distal parts of two metacarpals or
metatarsals. H det.
16201 a-j First phalanges. H det.
16157a-d Second phalanges. H det.
16158«, b Third phalanges. H det.