i F U C U S obtufus.
Obtufe, Fucus.
S p e c i f i c C h a r . FUCUS, fro n d f ilifo rm b ran ch ed d o u b ly -p in n a te , fegments o b tu
fe n e a r ly op p o fite ; o b lo n g -o v a te grains o r feeds fixed in the fummits o f the
FUCUS. fronde cartilaginea filiformi compreffa fubduplicato-pinnata, laciniis ob-
ovatis apice tuberculatis. Hudf. Edit, i " p. 586.
The frond o f this fucus is doubly-pinnate, and from three to five inches in length. The ftems pro-
cced from a compari glutinous bafe, and are fubdivided into lateral branches, which produce a third
feries, confifting of the obtufe fegments. The latter, as well as the branchlets on which they grow,
become gradually contra£led in length, as they approach the fummit of the frond: and they both
feem to obferve rather an alternate or dichotomous mode o f growth.
This fucus frequently grows in a more fimple ftate upon the edge o f the Fucus F ilum , or on
other plants. The frond only confifts o f a fmall fingle ftem, an inch and half in length, with a few
dichotomous lateral Ihoots.
In the more luxuriant plants, the ftems are as large as common packthread, and refemble.ifinglafs
in colour: but the cuticle, which furrounds the fecondary branches and the fegments, has a beautiful
pink colour. The interior fubftance o f the plant is tender: and, when the fucus is freih, it has a
kind o f elafticity. It may always be diftinguiihed by the obtufe terminations o f the fegments, and
frequently by a powerful perfume which it imparts, not unlike that o f violets.
The fruriification confifts o f oblong-ovate grains or feeds, fixed in the interior part o f the fegments.
In a ftate o f maturity, they appear like minute opaque warta upon the furface.
E X P L A N A T I O N O F T H E F I G U R E .
F. 1. The frond in its natural fize.
a. Part o f the ftem and bafe o f a younger plant.
b. The fame magnified.
c. The end o f a branch with the fegments, confiderably
d— e. Parts o f the fegments, with the grains or
feeds imbedded in the medullary fubftance,
f . A fingle grain taken from one of the fegments,
greatly magnified.
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