F U C U S purpurafcens.
FUCUS, fronde filiformi ramofiffima, ramulis confertis; pericarpiis fubglobofiS
FUCUS, fronde filiformi ramofiffima, ramulis confertis fetaceis fruaificationibus
globofis innatis. Hudf. FL Ang. Edit, 2^" p. 58g.
Hujufce fuci frons ramofiÎTima eft, cujus longitudo à fex ad decera uncias extenditur. Stipes ad
bafin obtuse termlnatur, et radículas nonnulîas inverfas plerumquè demittit, quibus quafi materiam cui
adhæret, conatur firmiùs amplerii. Nec rami, nec folia certo ordine emittuntur. Hæc, modò brévia
funt et fubulata, ut in icone referuntur ; modò tenuia et filiformia. Planta hæcce a mari nuperc
defumpta fæpiffimè olivaceo-viret : caiifis forfan temeré accidentibus purpurafcit. Sub his varietati-
bus dignofcatur tamen globulis innatis, qui foliorum expanfione, ut videtur, formati funt.
In nonnullis fpeciminis noftri foliis, globuli vix cernendi erant, in aliis, intégré formati, in plurimis,
gibbofi et parùm prominentes. Horum tamen omnes fub microfcopio aufli nihil videbantur nifi fub-
diaphanam et callofam fubftantiam continere. Infpeñis quibufdam fpeciminibus, Autumno ineunte;
opaci inveniebantur globuli quam plurimis granulis ovalibus fufcioribus abundantes.
F U C U S purpurafcens.
Purplijìi Fucus.
S p e c i f i c C h a r . FUCUS. frond filiform greatly branched, branches c row d ed ;
feed-veifels fomewhat globular, formed within the fubilance o f the leaves.
FUCUS. fronde filiformi ramofiiTima, ramulis confertis fetaceis frudlificationibus
globofis innatis. HudJ. FI. Aug. E d i t . p . 589.
The frond of this fucus is greatly branched, and meafures from fix to ten inches or more in length.
The main ftem terminates obtufely at the bafe, from whence it throws out feveral inverted radicles, as
if for the purpofe of clafping more firmly the objeft to which it is fixed. The branches as well as
the leaves do not feem to grow in any regular order. The latter are fometimes ihort and fubufate,
as reprefented in the figure ; at other times, they are very flender and filiform. The plant, when
frcfli from the fea, has in general an olive-green colour; it may probably acquire its purple hue
from accidental caufes. Under thefe variable circumftances, it may eafily be difcovered by the fmall
globular pericarps, which are formed in the very fubftance o f the leaves themfelves.
In the fpecimen here reprefented, fome o f thefe globules were fcarcely apparent; while others were
completely formed, and many appeared to be gibbous or prominent. They were found however to
contain nothing more than a clear callous fubftance. Upon examining fome fpecimens of the fame
plant, at a later period; an innumerable quantity o f dark coloured oval grains or feeds were difcover-
cd in each globule. K