E X P L . T A B .
Fig. 1. Fucus veficulofus è conchâ enafcens, et
nervum, mediam longitudinem percurren-
tem, parte foliaceâ fuborbatum exhibens.
2. Pars frondis maturefcentis apicibus dif-
tenfis, naturali magnitudine.
3. Seflionestranfverfales. Harum una per
apicis medium junioris, naturali magnitudine:
altera, ætate pauló proveñioris,
ad augmentum. Inhâc confpiciuntur tuberculi,
cortici apicis interiori arftè adhæ-
4. Apicis maturi abfciifa de cute portio,
perforationem magis auftam exhibens.
5. Tuberculum fcorfum, naturali magnitudine,
ct granum finapis haud exuperans :
idem etiam vclutife fub microfcopio prodebat.
6. Pars ejufdem, granula fufca praTentans,
maximè aufia.
7. Frondis portiuncula penicillos referens,
à Reaumurio mafculos fiores dcnomia.
Pars frondis F uc i ferrati,* naturali magnitu- b. Segmenturn apicis tranfverfum tubercula femi-
dine. nifera exhibens : au£lum.
* Lineolæ tranfvcrfa: 10 ferè ramulo, incurià Pifloris Icviufculà funtcffefls.
A. Pars frondis Fuci canaliculati naturali mag- C. Tuberculum feorfum, turn naturali inagnitunitudine.
dine : turn maxime audlum.
B. Apicis maturi fe£lio tranfverfalis cum tuber- D. Semina tuberculo inclufa.
culis feminiferis— aufta.
E X P L A N A T I O N O F T H E F I C x U R E S .
Fig. 1. The Fucus veficulofus growing on a
ftiell, with the nerve pervading the frond
nearly ilripped o f its foliaceous part.
2. Part o f the frond in maturity, with diftended
fummits, in its natural fize.
3. Tranfverfe feflions. The firil taken from
a fummit in its premature ftate, and natural
fize : the latter, from one approaching
to maturity, with the tubercles fixed
in the interior part.
4. A fmall part o f the fummit magnified, reprefenting
the perforation through which
the feeds are difperfed.
5. A tubercle in its natural fize, and fcarcely
larger than a grain o f muftard. The
fame alfo as it appeared when highly
6. Part o f the fame containing the feeds or
7. A fmall part o f the frond magnified, re-
prefenting the fine hairs, which were con-
' fidered as the male flowers by Reaumur.
a. A branch o f the Fucus ferratus* ititsnatu- b. A tranfverfe feflion with the tubercles contain-
ral fize. the feeds : magnified.
* The fmall iranfverfe lines on the lower pan of the branch, have been added, through a (light miflakc of the Coloiirift.
A. Part o f the Fucus canaliculatus in its natural
B. A tranfverfe feflion of a fummit in maturity,
with the tubercular pericarps— magnified.
C. A fingle tubercle in its natural fize, and as it
appeared when magnified.
D. Part o f the tubercle with the feeds.