F U C U S concatenatus.
FUCUS. fronde filiformi fubdichotoma ramofifiima veficulofa; veficulis monili-
formibus innatis.
FUCUS. fronde filiformi ramofifiima; ramulis dichotomis, veficulis moniliformibus
diftantibus innatis fol.fubulatis. Linn. Syfl. Nat. Edit. 14 ./j. 968.?— EL Scot.p. 923.
Frons ferquipedalis et ultrà è bafi tenaci et incraiTatà exoritur, nodis tribus vel quatuor nigris fupernc
circumdatà, unde rami virgultorum more linearium egerminant, foliis tereti-fubulatis quaquaverfum ob-
fiti. Folia, planta maturefcente, pro parte ratâ rarauli evadunt, ramufculorum feriem invicem craiffuri.
Horum ferè omnes, de forma lineari fcnfiin decedentes, in veficiilos oblongos et feriatim-concatenatos
dilatantur, fillquas æmulantes, ab liis tamen alieniifimos ; utpote fubftantiâ gelatinosa folummodo confertos.
Granula plurima undequaque fub ramorum cute, verrucularum adinftar congefta confpiciuntur.
Hæcce microfcopio auffa orbiculatim infita apparent; minuta in centro parte pellucida; proveflâ
verò ætate paululum prominentia. Tum fpatiura granulis inclufum diminutam punfluræ formam cepiife
videbitur. Nonne hoc, ut in nonnullis aufim affirraare, tranfitùs fit foramen unde grana exiverint?------
Adolefcentiores rami perquam tenues et filiformes nonnunquam evadunt : maturefcentes, et in veficulos
concatenatos abeuntes, fpinulis perbrevibus et inermibus, extra, fuffulti: intùs,ex folido-fubcavatiafpiciantur.
Hicce F uco concatenato Ligiitfoodi videtur effe haud abfimilis ; at mihi fcrupulus reftat,
an idem cum ilio fit, quem Linneus fub iciim nomine defcripfit. Quoad colorem, ex olivaceo-fub-
fufcatur, et demùm nigrefcit.
F U C U S concatenatus.
Necklace Fucus.
S p e c i f i c C h a r . FUCUS, frond filiform, nearly dichotomous, much branched
ficular : veficles necklace-form innate.
The frond extends to half a foot or more in length from a tough clubbed bafe, which frequently produces
three or four hard obtufe excrefcencies, from the fides of which the branches originate in the form
o f linear flioots ; and thefe throw out in various direftions (hort round Tubulate leaves. The latter, as the
plant advances towards maturity, extend in proportion, forming fecondary branches, which frequently
produce others. Thefe branches foon iofe their former habit by becoming fwollen and contrafied nearly
at equal diftances, fo as to form a concatenation o f oblong veficles, having the appearance o f pods or feedveifels.
They contain nothing more than a clear gelatinous fubftance. A great number o f feeds crowded
together in fuch a manner as to refemble minute warts, appear in every direftlon beneath the furface oi
thebranchcs ; when magnified, they feem to be fixed in an annular form ; leaving a fmall portion in the centre
fomewhat tranfparent. In maturity they become rather prominent, while the central fpace is reduced
to a kind o f punSure ; which probably may be defigned for the fame purpofe as thofe that have been already
noticed in the former fucufes.. The branches when young are fometimes very flender and filiform :
in their mature and diftended ftate they are furniihed with very [liort and tender fpinules ; and when dif-
fcaed are found to be in part hollow. This fucus and its defcription feem to agree with the F. concatenatus
o f Lightfoot. Whether it may be the fucus which Linneus has defcribed under that name, remains
a more doubtful circumftance. The colour o f this fucus varies from a darkfih olive to a black.
E X P L . T A B .
Fig. fuperior. Fucus, naturali magnitudine. In proximo,
parsramuli vcficulofi granula exhibens; au£la.
T h e upper figure reprcfcnts the fucus iu its natural
fize. Near it, is a part o f a veficular branch magnified.
in which the grains arc difcovered.