G E N U S II. B O L E T U S . 77
BOLETUS fubacaulis planiufculus lacerato-fquamofus flavefcens, XC,
porìs tetragonis. Hudfon Angl. 626.—Boletus juglandis. /iUamoJks.
Scbcef. Fung. T. 101, 102. Auricula flammea malchi. Ster.
Fung. P. 105. T. 13, 14. Fig. omn.
S C A L Y B O L E T U S .
/ T AHIS grows from the fides of trees, in a drooping dire&ion,
fo me times in vaft imbricated clufters of various fizes,
from fix to twelve inches in diameter, and adhering to the tree
by one fide, without any vifible footftalk; fometimes there is a
vifible root, as in the plant before me.
In this fpecimen there is a root, confifting of a roundiih
lump, the fize of a cat's head; it is of a firm, compatì:, tough
fubftance ; white within, and a duiky brown on the outfide : on
being cut it yields in drops from the wound, a trahfparent fluid,
a.crid to the tafte ; from the root the item coatra&s for about an
hand's .breadth, and then gradually fpreads out into the fub-f
fiance of the plant-
The furface is of a pale yellowiih brown' colour, with numerous
feather-like {¡bales, which adhere to the furface, and are
arranged in a kind of wild concentric circles. The root fuftained
one principal plant, and two others mudh fmaller, ifluing
out of the neck or footftalk of the large one, as exprefled in
the figure. Thè large one meafured from fide to fide, in the
broadeft part, twenty-two inches ; from the bafe of the root to
the extreme margin twenty-four inches ; the internal fubftance
it white, ipongy, and greedily devoured by the larva of infefts..
The pores are very large and angular, confifting of an unequal
number of fides, the tubes ihort and lhallow.
This fpecimen grew on an aih tree, in Skircoat, near
Halifax, July 24, 1787.