G R O W I N G about HALIFAX.
G E N U S ~ IV,
H A L L U S.
PHALLUS pileo ovato cellulofo, ßipite nudo rugofo. Sp. PI.
1648. Hudfon Angl, 629. Boletus capite terèti reticulato.
Hall. Hiß. 2247. Mich. Gen. 203. T. 85. Fig. 1. 2.
Hourn Infi. P. 561. T. 329. Fig. A. Battarra. P. 24.
T. 2. Fig. F. Sterb. Fung. P. 92. T. 10 Fig. omn.
Fungus favigonofus. Ray Syn. 11. No. 7. Park. Theat.
Ger. Emp. 1583.
T A B . XCI.
'TpHE ftem is Hollow and wrinkled, contracted or purfed at
^ the bafe, where it emits a few radical fibres 5 it is two or
three inches high, of a fmooth but unequal furface, being frequently
diftorted, and having many deep furrows and altérnate
ridges. The fubftance of the ftem is extended all over the iniide
of the pileus, and makes the lining or inward furface of
the whole cavity:—here it is white, wrinkled,.and dufted over
with a foft mealy powder.
The pileus is generally of an oval figure, fometimes globular
or compreffed, and varies greatly in iize and colour, according
to foil and fituation; it is moft commonly of a pale yellowiih
brown or buff, changing to a dark duiky colour in decay. The
furface is cellular,, wrinkled, and latticed j the cells exhibiting
a great variety of unequal figures.
Grows in fandy meadows, about the river Calder, but rarely.
It is greatly efteemed as an efculent.
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