G E l i US fl. BOLETUS. 75
BOLETUS acaiilis fuberofus imbricatm fiavus /avis, ports LXXXVlir,
minutis teritibus. Lightfoot Scot. P. 1031.—Boletus ((liaXt
acaulis coriaceus convexus lobatus Jlavus Icevis, ports tenuif-
Jimis. Hudfon Angl. 625. Schoeff'er Fung. 131.
T O U G H BO L E T U S .
>T""VHIS grows horizontally, on the fides of trees, moft commonly
on living wood, in fome cavity occafioned by the
lopping of a branch, or fome other accident; it firil appears
like a large unequal tumour, of mixed colours ; as it advances
in growth, it begins to unfold and difplay a number of thick
tough lobes, which are imbricated, or rather folded one within
another; for they are nearly of equal length, and adhere at
the bafe, fo as to be united into one fubftance.
The upper furface is convex, foft and fmooth to the touch,
and of a browniih gold colour; fometimes pale, fometimes of
a redder hue : on the underfide the lobes are convex near the .
bafe, but flat near the extremity. The fubftance is tough and
coriaceus, while in a growing ilate; left on the tree, it diflolves
in decay; dried, it becomes light, hard, and brittle.
The tubes are cylindrical, very numerous, and of a yellovf
It is a rare plant in this neighbourhood the fpecimen here
figured and defcribed, grew in a little wood at Shibden-Hall*
near Halifax, in Auguft, 1786.
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