LXX. AGARICUS Jiipitatus, tamellis ramofis deeurrentibus,
cbantariHus, SP> PL l639"
T A B . LXn.
THE root confifts of numerous dark-coloured hard fibres,
by means whereof the plant is fixed pretty firmly to the
The item is ihort, in proportion to the fize of the plant;
it is firm, folid, elaftic, often compreifed or fulcated, of a
golden colour without, and a pale yellow within; it is fibrous,
eafily fplitting in thin filaments.
The gills are like threads on the under furface of the
pileus; they are divided and fubdivided, like nerves in often repeated
ramifications, ihooting fmall latferal branches acrofs the
intervening fpaces, efpecially near the margin j their fubftance
feems to be the fame with that of the pileus.
The pileus is of an irregular ihape, lobed and curled in a
Tude and aukward manner, often deficient on one fide, and
variouily diftorted; the furface is fmooth to the touch; the
fleih tough, a little elaftic, and tears in filaments of a pale
fhining yellow.
The whole plant is of a fine gold colour, :but in decay it
changes to a fordid brown, and at laft diifolves. While young
it is devoured by fnails and other infefts with great greedinefs.
It is in great efteem, as an efculent, in fome countries«
but is never admitted at table here, though it fometimes grows
in fufficient plenty.. ,