BOLETUS Jlipitatus, pileo glabra pulvinato marginato, ports XCIX.
compojitis acutis porulis angulatis brevioribus. Sp. PI. 1646. bwinus.
Hudfon Angl. 627. Scop. Corn. 1586. Schcef. T. 103.
Hall. MM 2302. Mich. Gen. P. 127. T. 68. F. 1.
Ceriomyces crajfus. Battarra Fung. 62. 0?. 29. Fig. A. B.
Fungus porofus craJJ'us. Ray Syn. P. 11. No. 2. Caput
Bufonis. Sterb. P. 181. »17. - Fig. G, G.
/T~VHE root confifts of a tuft of black fibres, iiTuing from the
* bafe of the item.
The item is at firil globular, hard, and folid; as it advances
in growth it becomes oblong, and in fome fpecimens nearly
cylindrical, and about three inches high : it is often beautifully
reticulated with capillary veins, of a dark red colour, efpecially
towards the root; the colour is generally a red brown. I never
could difcover any curtain upon this'plant.
The tubes are round, the thicknefs of an hog's •briftle, very
clofely arranged; they are of a pale yellowiih colour. The
pores are round, much fmaller than in the laft fpecies, and of a.
itrong fulvous brown colour. In this fpecies the,tubes, at B.
are longeft in the middle, between the rim of the pileus and the
ftem, growing ihorter both outward and inward, and do not,
as in the Yellow Boletus, adhere to the item, or even touch it..
The pileus is convex, the margin acute, the colour varies
from dark brown to fulvous, fawn, colour, or buff of various
hues ; the internal fubftance is a greeniih white, but on being
cut, or broken, inftantly changes to a dark blue colour.
This is a more rare plant in this neighbourhood, and does
not appear till September. I am forry to find in a late Engliih
Author, that fome of the characters which belong to this plant,,
are miftakenly applied to the Yellow Boletus.