G E N U S III. H Y D N U M . 89
HYDNUM ßipitatum, pileo convexo leeviflexuofo. Sp.Pl. 1647. cm.
Hudfon Angl. 628.- Echinus petiolatus fubrufus, petiolo refandum,
levi, Hall. Hiß. 2325. Erinaceus coloris pallide ci frei.
Dillen. C. Gifs. P. 188. T. 1. Erinaceus efculentus albus
crajfüs. Mich. Gen. P. 132. CT. 72. Fig. 3. Hedwig
Cript. 'T. 37. Fig. Z12, See.
F L A T H Y D N U M .
n p H E root is fibrous; the ilem folid, brittle, crooked or
bowed, nearly of equal thicknefs, of a pale cinnamon
colour, four or five inches high, and often inferted into the
pileus, towards one fide, or not juitly in the centre. The items
frequently rife in clufters of four or five, adhering by thebafes,
and fuftaining plants of various fizes, which prefs upon each
other, and thereby become much diftorted.
The foft fpines or prickles underneath, are almoft always
placed obliquely, fo as to lay over one another in an imbricated
order; fometimes they are fimple, fometimes divided; conflantly
of a bright cinnamon colour, and a foft brittle fubitance.
The pileus is flat and fmooth, feels to the touch like vellum
; the rim rudely lobed, finuated or lafciniated, and conftantly
of a pleafant bright cinnamon colour; the fleihy or
internal part, is white and brittle.
This plant grew in great abundance in Lee-Bank-Shroggs,
in September, 1786 ; where I gathered the fpecimens here
figured and defcribed.
In one fpecimen, I obferved a dawny matter adhering to the
ftem and fpines ; which looked like the fragments of a curtain,
but I could not be certain that it was fuch.