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G E N U S II. b o l e t u s .
BOLETUS acaulis lavis, carnofus fanguineus mollis oh/cure xcn.
lob at us. Light foot Scot. 1034. Hudfon Angl. P. 625. befaticus.
No. 5.—Poliporus feffilis fanguineus craffus mollis obfcure
lobatus. Hall. Hz/?.'2315.—Agaricus forofus rubeus carnofus
hepatis facie. Ray Syn. P. 23. No. 21. Mich. Gen,
T. 60. Ord. 1. Battara, T. 34. Fig. A.
T grows horizontally, in the cavities of living oak trees, adhering
by a narrow bafe, and fpreading out on each fide,
aflumes an almoft circular figure. The margin gently waved.
The furface is liver-coloured, very fmooth, and cold to the
touch : in iome fpecimens there is a tinge of green mixed
in the hue, efpecially in the larger plants. It is convex near
the bafe, on the upper fide, but flat towards the margin :—the
under fide is more flat towards the bafe, convex and projecting
at the margin. The fubftance or fleih, within, is of a firm
clofe texture, of a liver colour, with veins and fpots of white-
The tubes are cylindrical, very numerous, about three lines
in length, of a pale yellow colour j as are alfo the numerous
This is faid to be of the efculent kind;, I have found it to
tafte almoft like lamb's fleih," but how far it is to be trufted I
know not.
The fpecimen now defcribed, grew in an hollow cavity in
the flock of a living oak tree, in the Shroggs, in Ovenden, near
Halifax, O¿tober. 27, 1785.