AGARICUS Jlipitatus, fileo rimofo : margine violaceo tomentofo,
Jiipite carulefente, lana ferruginea. Linn. Sp. PI 1641.
t a b . LH.
THE root is fwelled, and approaching to a bulb-ihape; it
is firm, hard, folid, and fends out many capillary fibres,
of a pale brown colour.
The item is of a pale purple colour, firm and folid, eafily
divifible in fine, pale, purple, filky filaments, and near the root
is covered with a ruft coloured dawn.
The curtain is like a fine and tender fpider's web, foon
breaks and vaniihes, leaving no remainder; it is of a browmfh
ruft colour.
The g ills are arranged in three feries, but irregularly, they
are deep, membranaceus, and gently waved on the edges j, the
colour is a violet blue, turning brown in decay.
The pileus at firft hemifpherical, afterwards convex j the
rim a little waved; the furface foft and clothy to the touch;
while young of a full violet purple colour, but changes to a
pale brown or ruft colour; this change firft takes place at the
centre of the pileus, and gradually prevails till ^the purple is
quite loft even to the margin ; at laft the pileus lacerates and
the whole diffolves in a turbid ftinking jelly, of a ford.d
brown colour.
Grows in" Woodhoufe-Wood, and fome other woods about
Halifax, in Auguft and September, but not plentifully.