
Trivial Name, Plate,,
Cceruleus — 12. Pileus cufhioned, greeniih blue, clothy; gills white,
brittle; item white, folid. Viridis, Hudfon 614.
Hallar Hiß. 244.4. Sterbeeck, T. 5. Fig. C. •
Serratis - - 14. • Pileus ftrong, full purple, flelhy, clothy, brittle; gills
gold-coloured, ferrated; Item gold-coloured, folid,
brittle large. I find no account of this fpecies.
Concineus - 15. Pileus moufe-coloured, glutinous; gill§L numerous,
broad, very white; item fiftular, white. Scharf.
T. 14. Hallar Hiß. 2381.'
XJmbilicatus 17. Whole plant tough, elaftic,. white; pileus umbilicated,
gills few, narrow; item fmajl, folid. Schcef. T. 39.
Cinnamoneus 22. Pileus. undulated, centre beaked, gills broad, item increafing
upwards, folid; whole of a cinnamon colour.
• Hallar Hiß. 2416.
Elephantinus 28. Pileus convex, glutinous, pale; gills grofs, wax-like,
brittle; item big, foft, fpongy, fnow white; whole
plant in decay changes colour, becomes hard, dry,
charcoal-like. I find no defcription or figure agreeing
with this plant.
Fiffus - - 35. Pileus olive-coloured, dry; apex brown, rim ftriated,
item tall, itriped, fiftular, cleaning. I find no account
of this fpecies.
Rubeus - - 36. Whole plant dark red crimfon, item tall, hard ; bale
thick, gills numerous, tranfparent, beautiful. No
true defcription or figure of this fpecies.
!Tenuis - 37. Dead white, pellucid, diifolving; item brittle, dawny
at bafe, very tall, very ilender. Bulliard, T.
Mollis - - 40. Pileus convex, fieihy, pale; gills narrow, decurrent; item
foft, white, folid, bulbed; fleih foft, dry, fpongy.,
rfortilis - - 41. Very fmall, in clufters, brittle, hat red-brown, diftorted
; gills few, broad, fleih-coloured. A. frigilis.
HudJ'on, 620. Schaf. T. 230.
Purpureus - 41. Pileus and upper part of the item violet-coloured,
lower part and gills white; fmall iize. No account
of this..
Cefpitofus - 41. Small, pellucid, horn-coloured, pileus diftorted, rim
dented, gills few, crumpled; in' clufters. Vaill.
Parti, 2". n.F. ix,
Trivial Name. Plate.
Atro-rufus 51. Small fize, dark brown, dry, tough, item very ilender,
very tall. Schcef. 234. Ray Syn. P. 8. No. 41.
Gled. Fung. P. 127. No. 2;. Var H.
Adfcendens 55. Stem afcending, plant duiky brown, hard, dry; gills
decurrent, pileus convex, margin contra&ed, a velvety
ftripe round its lateral extremity. Is it a variety
of A. latlißuus ?
Fuhus - - 56. Pileus fulvous-coloured, hard, freih, brittle; item folid,
hard, brittle ; bafe pointed. No account of this.
Peronatus - 58. Pileus thin, rim waved, lower part of the item covered
with a tall, yellow dawn. I find no account of thfe
Sordidus - - 59. Pileus funneled, fordid brown ; item folid, gills diftindt,
whole fubftance tough, abiding. Dickfon Crypt.
P. 16. T. 3. F. i. Ray Syn. P. 6. No. 27.
Acris - - - 60. Pileus grey-buff, ihape variable; item increafing upwards,
grey; gills diftinä:, yields a white milk, of
an hot acrid tafte.
Fimbratus - 61. Pileus funnel-ihaped, margin lobed, undulated, curled,
crenated, elegant; gills narrow, diftindt; item ihort,
.whole plant pale, pellucid, thin, watery. Sterbeeck,
r . 15. B.
Mammofus - 65. Pileus grey, brittle, highly beaked; gills waved and
crenated; item tall, grey, folid. Sp. PL 1642.
Hudfon, 619.
Amethyßnus 63. Plant an amethyft purple, pileus, diftorted, fleihlefs ;,
item tall, crooked; gills few, brittle, waved, diftorted;
thefe and item, bloom powdered. Hudfon, 612.
Farinaceus - 64. Pileus convex, diftorted, pellucid; gills few, grofs,
waved; item crooked, tall; whole fubftance pellucid,
Watery, of a pale brown carnation colour, powdered
with a pale bloom. Hudfon, 616. Scopoly, 1530.
Hall. Hiß. 2436.
Equeßris - 65. Pileus convex, ftarred; rim acute, gills fulphurcoloured,
item thin, fiftular, fmooth, pale, yellow*
Huc¡fon, 616. Sp. PI. 1643.
Varius - - 66. Pileus femioval, brown, grey, or black, varying; gills
deep grey, item fiftular, filiform,, tall, white.