Such as are dejiitute of a radical vaha, and furnijhed with a
curtain on the Jlem.-
Trivial Name.
Crißatus -
Villofus -
- 7-
- 42..
Pompatus; - g.
Flaßicus -
Dur us
Fascicular is
I Q i
- 13:
CqmpeßrAs - 45,
Violaceli s — 5:
Pileus bell'd, imbricated with growing fcalesj curtain
abiding, root bulbed. Hall. Hiß. 2371. Steerbeck,
77' T'7' F- A. Ä^y ity«. 4. Ag. procerus, Hudfon,
Pile us brittle, lacerating, tufts on the furface, fmall,
upright, growing, curtain vaniihing.
Pileus covered with an hard fox-coloured ihag, item
naked, afcending ; annulus thick, dawny,. abiding;
curtain vaniihing.
Orange coloured, root folitary, item folid, increafing
upwards; fleih thick, brittle; curtain lacerating.—
I find no fatisfaftory account of this fpecies.
Stem white, fiilular y pilaus cheftnut coloured», curtaia
white, lacerating.—I find no apt fynonyma.
Root folitary, pileus diilorted, brown grey, centrebeaked;
gills broad, item fiilular, curtain grey,
vaniihing. Bulliard, ST. 268.
Grows, in bundles, item tapering upwards, curtain
abiding, plant dry, elailic, fnuff-coloured. Ray
Syn. 5. No. 23. Hall. Hiß. No. 2432. Scopoli, 1468.
Pileus cuihioned oj convex, buff-grey; - gills very numerous,
broad, thin, and grey; item folid, Ihort,
Grows in bundles, item fiilular, cylindrical;' hat yellow,
fleihlefs; curtain foon vaniihing. Flo. Dan.
T- 890. Schaf. T. 49. F. 1, 3. Bulliard, 17g.
Hudfon, 615. Ray, P. 9. No. 50. Steerbeck, T. 25. F. .
Pileus fleihy, convex, white, changing brown; gills
firft rofe-coloured, changing brown-.fpeckled ; item
folid, curtain thick, white, dawny, vaniihing. Sp.
PI. 1641. Hudfon, 610.. Schaf. T. 33. Hall.
Hiß. 2443.
Pileus with much fleih, violet-coloured, curtain ruitcoloured,.,
vaniihing, a ruil-coloured dawn near the
root. Sp. PI. 164j,. Hudfon, 611. Hall. Hiß. 2455.
Trivial Name. Plate.
X X l X
Ciliaris - - 53.
Clypeatus - 57.
PHeus pal?., femioy^l, rim extended, ciliated; gills
grey, b^afe pointed, third feries fometimes wanting,
item white, fiilular; bafe bulbed, curtain for a little
while pendulous, foon vanishing. Is it the A.
Separatus, of Linnaus £
Pileus convex, beaked, dark moufe colour; firfl gills
broad at the bafe, and growing to the ilem; ilem tall,
ilender, moufe; coloured ; curtain foon vaniihing.
Such as have no volva on the root, or curtain on the flem.
Aquofus - - 71.
Plumofus - - 33.
Croceus - -51.
Latus - - - 2.
LaSiißuus' - 3.
Denticulatus 4.
Répandus - 6.
Cornucopi- "j g
oides J
Deliciofus - 9. .
Small fize, whole plant at firft furrounded with a white
dawny covering, afterwards gelatinous, pellucid,
watery; gills not touching the ilem. Hudfon, 691.
Vaill. Paris, T. 12. Fig. 56.
Pileus and item wholly covered with little plumy,
growing, moufe-coloured tufts. I find no account
of this plant.
Pileus, and lower part of the ilem, covered with a
clofe, yellow, dawny pile; upper part of the item
fmooth, gills white.
Pileus large, broad, fleihy, dark moufe colour; gills
very broad, not touching the ilem; item folid.
Gills narrow, bafe broad, growing to the item; fubilance
hard, whole plant a cinnamon-grey, yields a
white mild milk. Hudjon, 614. No. 14.
Pileus purple, pellucid; item grey, gills thin, pliable,
brown dents on the edges. I find no account of
this plant.
Pileus flat, broad, pale; gills lanced, bafe lopped, ilem
fiilular, twifted, white, fplitting.
Stem hard, twiiled, in bundles, moil decurrent; pileus
lobed, tough, red brown.
Scarlet or orange-coloured, pileus flat, rim inflefled,
yields a yellow milk, of a mild taile. Hudfon, 613.
No. 13.
Pileus convex, gills broad, item fiilular,. whole plant
white, dry, light, flexible, papery.
5 Caruleus