a. The R espiratory N erve of th e F a c e ; or, according to
authors, th e P ortio dura of th e seventh nerve.
a. Branches ascending to the temple and side of the head.
b. Branches which supply the eyelids.
c. Branches going to the muscles which move the nostrils.
d. Branches going down upon the side of the neck and
e. Superficial cervical plexus.
f f Connexions formed with the cervical nerves.
g. A nerve to the muscles on the back of the ear.
b. The E ig h th N erve. P ar vagum, or G rand R espiratory
N erve.
c. The Su per io r R espiratory N erve, or Spin a l A ccessory
N erve.
d . N in t h N erve, or L in g u a lis.
e . D iaphragmatic N erve.
f . Sym pathetic N erve.
g. L aryngeal N erve.
h . R ecurrent L aryngeal N erve.
i. G losso P haryngeal N erv e.
i. F rontal N e r v e . A branch of the fifth,
ii. Su per io r maxillary N erv e. A branch of the fifth,
in. M and ibu la lab ralis. A branch of the fifth.
iv. Temporal branches of the second division of the fifth.
v. The S u b o c c ip it a l N erve. The first of the Spine.
vi. The Second Spin a l N erve,
v ii. v iii. Spin a l N erves.