d . The Ch e ek B one (or os malaa).
e . e . The U p p e r M a x il la ry B ones,
f . The N asal B ones.
g . g. The Orbits or Sockets for the E ye Balls. The circle
of their margin is seen to be formed of the frontal bones,
the cheek bones, and the superior maxillary bones.
h . h . The T emporal B ones. These hollows are filled with a
strong fleshy muscle, which arising upon the side of the
skull, passes down through the arch to be inserted into
the lower jaw-bone.
i. i. The M asto id or M am illa r y P rocesses of th e T emporal
B one. These are the points, into which the strong
mastoid muscles which give form to the neck, are inserted.
k. The L ower J aw.
l . The A n g l e of th e L ower J aw.
m . The P rocesses of th e J aws which form the sockets for
receiving the roots of the teeth.
Fig. 2. Is the Skull of an Adult seen in Profile, in which we
have to remark these parts :
a . The F rontal B one.
b . The T emporal B o n e.
c. The Z ygomatic P rocess of the T emporal B one, which,
with the process of the cheek bone, forms an arch, under
which the tendon of the temporal muscle passes, to be
inserted into the lower jaw.
d . The H ole, or F oramen of the E ar ; a little below this,
is the mastoid process of the temporal bone.
e . The P a r ieta l B one, so called, because it forms the greater
part, as it were, the wall of the skull.
f . The Oc c ipita l B one.
These bones are united by sutures, in which the processes of the
bone as they grow, seem to run out, and indent themselves into the
opposite bone, without there being an absolute union betwixt them.
That which unites the frontal bone, and parietal bones, is called the
coronal suture; that which we see here uniting the parietal bone,
and temporal bone, is called the squamous or temporal suture.
The line which is betwixt the occipital and parietal bones, is the
lambdoidal suture; lastly, the union of the parietal bones is called
the sagittal suture, because it is laid betwixt the lambdoid and
coronal sutures, like the arrow betwixt the bow and the string.
There are many lesser sutures which unite the smaller bones of
the face, but they need not be mentioned here.
g . The Ch e ek B one (os mala;).
h . T h e U p pe r J aw B one (or os maxillare).
i. The B ones of th e N ose (ossa nasi).
k. The L ower J aw (inferior maxilla).
l . The A ng le of ti-ie J aw.