Bishop o f the Canaries
Bite o f a man produces hydrophobia
Blahr, Admiral, bold attempt o f
Bonetta, an esculent fish
Books scarce in Rio de Janeiro «
Boors, Du tch , rambling disposition o f
Booshuanas - „
Borrachas or goat-skin bags
are monorchides v - 1
Bottle, experiment with one
Brazilian coast - _
Brazils - > .
Budha, reli gion of, in Cochinchina
51 China trade, importance of - -3 3 8
196 Chinese, condition of, in Batavia - - 216
30 massacre of, in 1740 $ - 219^
60 manners and customs of, compared
9° with Cochinchinese - - 300,
3^9 driven from their usual channels of
387 trade - -
11 horrid torture of one * - -3 5 4
381 trade of to New Holland - - 354
383 ancient navigation of - 1 «-3^6
63 Christendom not much extended by the
74 labours of missionaries 3^ -108
“I36 Churches of Laguna -
328 Clergy of Madeira
Calcareous 6tones, products o f animated
Callao, island o f * » .
Camelopardalis, great speed o f
Candelaria, S t ., protectress o f the island
o f TenerifFe „ _ _
Canary islands, probably the Fortunate
Islands . . .
Canals o f Batavia - _
Cape de Verd islands, whence so called -
Cape Frio - _
Cape of Good Hope, winds and weather
off the
Cascade near R io de Janeiro
Catechu - „
Cathcart, Colonel, tomb o f in Anjerie
fort . p
Ceremonies, religious, in Rio
Chamber o f skulls - „
of TenerifFe
of Porta Praya
of Rio / "■ - .■>
Climafe of Madeira .» .
Cloud, remarkable, over the mountains of
168 Madeira - , „ “ 3
33 5 Cochinchina - .. 243—360
386 Cock-fighting, favourite amusement of the
Malays . " - 235
50 Colonists, European, destroy the natives 107
Commerce, general observations on - 131
55 Commercial productions of Cochinchina - 340
213 Compass affected by the Iron Mountain - 385
67 antiquity of in China - . . ^
64 objections against answered . 237
Convent of Nossa Senhora do Monti - 5
146 of Franciscans - - " 7
101 of Santa Clara - - 93
227 Conway, Governor of Pondicherry, character
of, by Lewis XVI. - 264
163 Cotton of the Brazils - - »123
98 Coral islands, observations on 165
7 not found in the Atlantic - - 167
Cruelty, extraordinary instance o f
Cultivation o f land neglected near Rio
Current in the Strait o f Gibraltar
Custom, curious instance- o f tenacity to
- ancient - - 321
Dance of the Booshuanas - - - 397
Darwin, Dr., absurdity of his doctrines 231
Dead, how anciently interred in TenerifFe 46
Defences of Madeira - - - 17
Digestion different in different animals - 146
Dinner of Van Weegerman ^ - "- 205
Dinners, public, of the Cochinchinese - 287
Discovery of Madeira - - - 16
of the Brazils - - - - 164
Dolphin, beautiful colours of, when dying 59
Drake, ship of, preserved with great
care - - 64
Dress of inhabitants of Madeira - 12
o f those of TenerifFe - - 49
of the women o f Rio - - 96
of the Dutch in Batavia » - 204
of the Cochinchinese - - 301
Dutchman’s cockle - - - 167
Dutch, attempt of, to assimilate Java to
- Holland - - - 172
architecture of - *• ■ 175 >
mode of living in Batavia - - 211
Dwelling-houses in Batavia, number of - 177
Earth, changes happening on the surface of 154
Egg of the ancient philosophers - 153
Elephants o f Cochinchina - - 290
vindictive spirit o f - - 418
supposed to bury their dead - 4 1 9
Elysian Fields, supposed by Plutarch the
- Fortunate Islands - * 5^
Emperor o f China, trick played on him - 254
Employment o f inhabitants o f Madeira - 12
English, inconveniencies felt by, in foreign
countries' - - - 34
Entertainment given b y the Governor o f
Madeira - - - 13
b y the Governor o f Batavia - 207
b y the Cochinchinese - - 293
b y the C h ie f o f the Booshuanas - 397
Entrance o f the harbour o f Rio de Janeiro 74
Equality o f condition among the Boosbuana
s■ - - 400
Experiment explaining the current in the
Strait o f Gibraltar - 3
o f sinking an empty bottle - - 63
on the pithing o f cattle - 433
Feast o f elephants 290
Features o f the Cochinchinese 3°8
Fertility o f the land near Rio 101
Fish boiled alive in hot springs 144
abundant near Amsterdam island 146
Fishes, remarkable velocity o f - 60
flying 62
Fisherman, Cochinchinese - 248
Fishing, the usual amusement o f passengers
b y sea — 59
Flowers worn b y the ladies o f Rio de
Janeiro - - 210
custom o f exchanging them 93
■ - 3S1