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J O U R N E Y TO T H E B O O S H U A N A S .
After passing the Boundary of the Colony, the Strength of the Expedition is
mustered— They meet with two Bosjesmèn on the Desert— With a Dutch
Boor and his Family— Pass the Karree-bergen, and meet a Party of armed
Bosjesmen— Salt Lakes— The Gariep or Orange River— Horde of Kora
■ Hottentots— Missionary Kicherer’s Kraal— Contrast between the Gospel and
the Moravian Missionaries— Bosjesmans— Several new Characters join
the Party— The Iron Mountain— Effect produced on the Compass— Wild
Buffalos— Giraffe or Camelopardalis— Source of the Kourmanna River—
Arrival of à Party of Booshuanas from ihe King— Mimosa or Umbrella
Tree Arrival at Leetakoo— Interview with the Chief-—Situation, Size,
and Population of Leetakoo— .Some Account of the Booshuanas, their
Character. Possessions, Resources, Amusements, free and happy Condition,
Origin, &c.— The Barro/oos— Slavery unknown in the interior Parts of
Southern Africa— The Palla Antelope— Face of the Country— Mimosas
loaded with Nests of the gregarious Loxia— The Kokoon apparently a
Species of Gnoo— A new Species of ffuachà— Opinion of the Ancients
respecting new Animals incorrect— Return to the Kourmanna River— A
Lion shot while striding over a Hottentot— Booshuana Villages— Patanie—
Abundance of large Game— The Takheitsé, a new Species of Antelope or
Cow— Buffalo hunting— This Creature and the Elephant resent Injuries—
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