the merit at least of being a true representation of a Javanese
canoe, with its paddle and bamboo outrigger, was considered
as not unworthy of being put into the engraver’s hands. The
shark being killed with a harpoon, was then hoisted upon
deck and opened. The contents of its stomach formed a
mass of such magnitude and variety as can scarcely be conceived.
It consisted, among other articles, of the complete
head of a female buffalo, a whole calf, a quantity of entrails
and of bones, and large fragments of the upper and under
shells of a considerable sized turtle. The length of the shark
was ten feet eight inches.
The Dutch have established a small fort at Anjerie point,
consisting of a low earthen embankment, surrounded with a
palisade of bamboo, and mounted with half a dozen four-
pounder guns, some of them without carriages, but others
nreserved'ap patently with so much care from the weather as
to be surrounded with a roof of thatch. The whole garrison
was composed of a seijeant, a corporal, and six privates;
and was intended as a protection to the village against Malay
irates, and, at the same time, as a post to receive and convey
dispatches or intelligence to and from Batavia across the
country, when any of their own ships or those of an enemy
mi edit make their appearance m the strait. This little fort,
however insignificant in itself, was nevertheless not wholly
uninteresting to us, from the circumstance of its containing,
within the palisade, the remains of the late Colonel Catficart,
who died in the strait of Banca, when on his mission as Ambassador
from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of
China. The companions of his voyage erected in this tort a.