Within the walls - - ' - - 1993
In the south suburbs - - • -- 508
In the suburbs near the Rotterdam gate - - 732
In the suburbs near the Utrecht gate, chiefly inhabited
by Javanese and free Malays * - - 760
In the Chinese town on the western side - - 1277
Making in the whole 5270
Which, together with the villages and villas within a circuit
of tén miles round Batavia, contain a population of about
116,000 souls, consisting of
East India Company’s servants of every description
800, and with their families
Burghers or free citizens 1138, and with their
families - - * -
Javanese and free Malays - - -
Chinese - - - -
Slaves . . . -
Total 115,960
But the total population within the extent of the government
of Batavia is reckoned at 150,000 souls ; that of all the
other Dutch settlements on Java collectively at 230,000;
and of the whole island, which, however, is little better
than a guess, at 2,000,000.