to time, it might justly be denominated, as we had been on the road
from Cape Town, three months and a half, although the distance is
not more than seven hundred and ninety one miles.
The obdurate rocks of Greenstone annoyed us exceedingly,
and, as they were, in many places, too abundant to be avoided, we
frequently received the most violent jolts, threatening destruction to
our wheels. * For the first six or seven miles, we passed over a
plain well covered with dry grass; in a distant part of which, was
seen a herd of more than a hundred Springbucks, which at first were
mistaken for a flock of sheep. The surface of the country was varied
with gentle risings, and hills of moderate elevation ; but night, soon
afterwards coming on, put an end to further observation. The brightness
of the moon enabled us to follow the proper track; which, at
this short distance from Klaarwater, was much beaten. In one part,
towards the end of our journey, we passed abundance of a handsome
shrub, from five to seven feet in height, covered with showy
yellow flowers, but quite destitute of leaves ; and, even by this light,
easily to be distinguished as a plant which had not been any where
seen before: it was completely armed at all points ; its green leafless
branches being terminated by a spine as sharp as a needle.
The coldness of the night air was so great as to oblige us to walk
nearly all the way, to keep ourselves warm.
As we drew nearer to the settlement, the road became more
rocky, and the noise of the waggons rattling over the stones, announced
our approach; but it was at that hour of the night, or
rather morning, when all its inhabitants were fast asleep, excepting
'* A new species of Royena, four or five feet high, was remarkable for the smallness
of its leaves, its flesh-colored flowers, and the prettiness of its growth.
Royena microphylla. B. Catal. [Geogr. 1696. Frutex ràmosissimus rigidus. Folia
minima tomentosa, elongatè obovata, subtus reticulata, rachide valido. Flores solitàrii
axil lares deflexi. Calyx, et corolla extemè, hirsuta. Fructus globosus.
+ Spartium cnspidosim, B. Catal. Geog. 1697. Frutex ramosissimus rigidus. Ra-
muli divaricati virides teretes, omnes spina acutissima terminati, aphylli exceptis surculis
tenerioribus, quibus sunt folia petiolata simplicia et ternata foliolis ovatis ovalibus vel
lanceolatis. Flores flavi alterni. Legumen oblongum membranaceum oligospermum.
the watchful dogs. These trusty guardians gave due notice to their
masters, by loud and ceaseless barking, which informed us, also, that
we were but a short distance from the kraal. Presently, from the
top of the ridge, we discovered a light which proceeded from one of
the huts ; and, at a quarter past one, had the satisfaction of finding
ourselves safely arrived at Klaarwater. The dogs, in a pack, flew
round u s ; but as many of them knew us again, the fury of their
attack was instantly converted into demonstrations of pleasure.
In the mean time, all this noise and clatter had awakened
Mr. Anderson; who came out to welcome me to the settlement, and
point out a convenient spot where the waggons might be stationed.
As soon as the oxen were taken out of the yoke, we all gladly preferred
sleep to supper; and the men, wrapping their karosses closely
round them, laid themselves down under the waggons for the night.