privilege, encroached upon the privileges of
o th e rs , and that hence arose collision and
confusion. But the Governor waxed tyrannical.
beatings, chainings, and extortionate exactions
became more frequent and unbearable, until at
last the Wangwana appeared in a b od y before
me, and demanded another “ Shauri.”
The result o f this long consultation— after an
earnest protest from me against their wild conduct,
calculated, as I told them, to seriously
compromise me, followed b y expostulation with
them on their evil course, and a warning that
I felt more like abetting the Governor in his
treatment o f them than seeking its amelioration
— waS an injunction to be patient and well-
behaved during our short s ta y , and a promise
that I would lead them into Africa within two
d ay s, when at the first camp pardon should be
extended to all, and a new life would be begun
in mutual peace and concord, to continue, I
hoped, until our return to the sea.
There is an institution at Bagamoyo which
ought not to be passed over without remark,
but the subject cannot be properly dealt with,
until I have described the similar institution, o f
equal importance, at Zanzibar: viz. the Universities
Mission. Besides, I have three pupils o f the
Universities Mission who are about to accompany
me into Africa— Robert Feruzi, A n d rew , and
Dallington. Robert is a stout lad o f eighteen
years old, formerly a servant to one o f the
members o f Lieutenant Cameron’s Expedition, but
discharged at Unyanyembe for not v e ry clear
reasons, to find his w a y back. Andrew is a
strong youth o f nineteen years, rather reserved,
and, I should sa y , not o f a ve ry bright disposition.
Dallington is much younger, probably
only fifteen, with a face strongly pitted with
traces o f a violent attack o f small-pox, but as
bright and intelligent as any b o y o f his age,
white or black.
T he Universities Mission is the result o f the
sensation caused in England b y Livingstone’s
discoveries on the Zambezi and o f L a k e Nyassa
and Shirwa. It was despatched b y the Universities
o f Oxford and Cambridge in the y e a r i860,
and consisted o f Bishop Mackenzie, formerly Arch deacon
o f Natal, and the Rev. Messrs. Proctor,
Scudamore, Burrup, and Rowley. These devoted
gentlemen reached the Zambezi river in February
When the Universities Mission met Livingstone,
then engaged in the practical work o f deve loping
the discovery o f the Zambezi and other
neighbouring waters, a consultation was held as
to the best locality for mission work to begin
at. The Bishop and his followers were advised
b y Livingstone to ascend the Rovuma river, and
march thence overland to some selected spot
on Lake Nyassa. But, upon attempting the