and to receive the son o f heroic Suna as became
their respect for him and their awe o f his rank
an power. Lu-Iu-Iuing and welcomes and fond
smiles were the order o f the day; a great drink-
mg o f maramba wine and potent beer followed*
and musketry salutes, killing o f beeves and
goats, and interchanging o f presents, closed the
d ay o f the return to the capital.
A fte r allowing a few days to transpire for
rest, I began to recall to the Emperor’s mind
the original purpose o f my visit to him, and o f
is promise to conform to my request. He consented
to my departure, and kindly permitted
me to make my own choice out o f his chiefs
for the leader o f the force which was to give
its aid to our Expedition for the exploration o f
the country between Muta Nzige, and Lake
Victoria. I selected Sambuzi, a youn g man o f
thirty years o f age or thereabouts, whose
gallantry'and personal courage had several times
been conspicuously displayed during the war
with the Wavuma, and whose rank and station
guaranteed a force strong enough to withstand,
if well managed, a greater power than the k in g
o f IJnyoro—then at war with Gordon Pasha__
could conveniently despatch to oppose us.
Mtesa, admitting that Sambuzi was a wise
choice, stated with the usual exaggeration o f an
African or an Oriental that he should have
5000 warriors, and all the chiefs at the levee
L UlagaUa. J
concurred with him. On my request to him
that he would repeat, clearly and within hearing
o f all, his commands to Sambuzi* Mtesa called
the chief to him, who, while prostrate on the
ground, received the following command in a
loud and clear voice:—
“ Sambuzi, my guest Standee is going to Muta
Nzige. He has asked that y o u should lead the
Waganda to the lake , and I have consented.
Now listen to my words. Nearly all the white
men who have accepted my people as escort
complain that the Waganda gave great trouble
to them. L e t me not hear this o f you. I shall
send messengers to Kabba R e g a to inform him
o f your object, and command him to abstain
from molesting you. Now g o , muster all your
men, and I shall send four sub-chiefs with 1000
men each under Watongoleh to assist you. Do
whatever Standee advises or suggests should be
done, and b y no means return to Uganda until
yo u have absolutely performed my commands.
If y o u do return without Stamlee’s letter authorizing
yo u to abandon the project, y o u will dare
my anger. I have said.”
“ Thanks, thanks, thanks, oh, thanks, my lo rd !”
Sambuzi replied, rubbing his face in the dust.
Then standing up, he seized his spears, and, le v e lling
them, cried out: “ I go at the Emperors
command to take Stamlee to the Muta Nzige.
I. shall take Stamlee through the heart o f Unyoro