serve as a test to point out the brave and the
The d a y arrives. The Emperor is seated in
unusual state, with his harem behind him, his
chiefs on either hand in order o f rank, his musketeers
on guard, and his drummers and musicians
close b y , while aloft wave the crimson-
and-white-barred standards adopted b y the
empire. Before the Emperor are arranged the
pots o f test-beer.
Pokino advances, prostrates himself in the dust,
and begins to relate his adventures and his doings
in Usongora, while the heroes o f the great raid
are enmassed in view and within hearing o f his
After the conclusion o f the story, the Emperor
says briefly, “ Drink, if thou darest.”
Pokino rises, advances to the test-pots, receives
the ladle, and dips it into the pombe;
then taking it up, he holds it aloft, and, turning
to the warriors who followed him, cries aloud,
“ T e k eh ? ” (“ Am I worthy or not?” )
“ T e k eh !” ( “ Thou art w o r th y !”) responds the
multitude with a shout.
Again he asks “ T ek eh ? ” and again “ T e k eh !”
is shouted with renewed acclamation, and, being
found worthy, he drinks, utters his grateful
Twiyanzis to the Emperor, and retires to permit
others to advance and drink the test-beer. Those
found worthy are rewarded, those unworthy are
doomed to death b y popular condemnation.
Soon after this, Myanja, the Katekiro, was
found guilty o f the overweening pride o f appropriating
to himself the most beautiful o f the
female slaves without regarding his master s
right to select his allotment first, and the result
of this was that Myanja was disgraced and
shortly beheaded. |
T h e Premier’s place being now vacant, Pokino
was appointed to fill it; and thus was the once
humble Magassa elevated to be next m power
to the Emperor, with the utmost o f his ambition
He is now daily seated on the carpet at the
right hand o f his sovereign, controls all things,
commands all men, and, when leaving the presence
o f his master, he is escorted b y all the
chiefs to his own quarters, waylaid b y multitu es
on the road with profound greeting, has the pick
o f all females captured in war, the choicest o
all cattle, and his shares o f all cloths, beads,
wine, and other gifts brought to Mtesa; for the
Katekiro, alias Pokino, alias Magassa, is now
Premier, First L ord , and Secretary o f State.
But what next?
One day, while on a visit to my quarters, l
permitted him to e x a m i n e my store o f medicines.
On explaining the various uses o f laudanum, he
remarked, to my surprise, with a sigh, Ah,