When the locality Pretoria is used as a habitat for a species,
the town itself is not necessarily designated, hut the district in
which the town is situated, and this bears a similar relation to
what the county of Yorkshire does to the city of York. I have
also included the species procured in Natal, but this locality
is always distinguished by italics. It must also be distinctly
understood that the localities given are not intended to convey
the impression that the species are not found elsewhere in the
Transvaal, but only that at those spots I made my captures.
Many of the species have a very wide distribution, and I was
surprised to meet with some old English friends, of which a
list is added, though doubtless it could be considerably enlarged
by further experience.
Species found in England and also by the Author in
the Transvaal.
M a m m a l ia .
Common Rat.
A v e s .
Montagu's Harrier.
European Bee-eater.
Black Staphylinid.
Destructive Beetle to hides
and furs.
Beetle frequenting bones and
Beetle frequenting bones and
Mus rattus.
Circus pygargus.
Merops apiaster.
Philonthus varians.
Dermestes vulpinus.
Aphodius lividus.
Corynetes rufipes.
Corynetes ruficollis.
Exochomus nigromaculatys. “ Ladybird " Beetle.
Pyrameis cardui.
Acherontia átropos.
Protoparce convolvuli.
Deiopeia pulchella,
Sterrha sacraria.
Nomophila noctuella.
Pyralis farinalis.
L e p id o p t e r a .
“ Painted-Lady Butterfly."
ft Death’s-head Moth."
“ Convolvulus Hawk-Moth."
“ Crimson-speckled Moth."
“ Vestal Moth,"
“ Pyral Moth."
“ Pyral Moth."
O r t h o p t e r a .
Labidura riparia. Earwig.
Phyllodromia germanica. Cockroach.
Ectobia ericetorum. Cockroach.