Fam. Bcattidas.
Ectobia ericetorum, Wesm.
Phyllodromia germanica, Linn.
Deropeltis erythrocephala, Fabr.
Nauphceta circumvagens, Burm.
Derocalymma capucina, Gerst.
Fam. Phasmid/E.
Clonaria? guenzii, Bates. Durban> Natal.
Fam. Mantide.
Pyrgomantis singularis, Gerst.
Lygdamia capitata, Sauss.
Parathespis galeata, Gerst.
Miomantis fenestrata, Fabr.
Mantis sacra, Tbunb.
Hierodula gastrica, Stài.
Harpax tricolor, Linn.
Phyllo crania paradoxa, B urm.
Pretoria and Zoutpans-
Pretoria. [berg.
Fam. Gryllidaa
Gryllotalpa africana, Pal. Beanv. Pretoria.
Gryllus bimaculatus, De Geer. Pretoria.
Gryllus leucostomus, Serv. Pretoria.
Gryllus compactus, Walk. Pretoria.
(Ecanthos capensis, Sauss.' Pretoria.
Fam. LocustiDjK.
Conocephalus mandibularis, Charp. Pretoria.
Clonia wahlbergi, Stal. Waterberg.
Hemisaga praedatoria, Distant, sp. n. (fig. ante, p. 63).
$ . Ochraceous, disk of abdomen and ovipositer testaceous,
apical area of abdomen greenish; bead with two faint black
central longitudinal lines, continued more distinctly along the
whole length of the pronotum and abdomen. Lateral furrowed
margin of pronotum white and somewhat bifasciate, with its
inner edge narrowly black; lateral margins of meso- and
metanotum white; lateral margins of abdomen with a narrow
white fascia, inwardly testaceous and outwardly black. Wings
quite rudimentary and greenish ochraceous.
Anterior femora a little longer in length tban head and
pronotum together and armed with ten spines on each side;
anterior tibiae with eight spines on each side; intermediate
femora with nine spines on inner under margin, and ten
shorter spines on outer under margin ; intermediate tibiae
with ten or eleven spines on each side; posterior femora with
a double series of short spines beneath, but not reaching
apical area.
Long, from apex of head to apex of ovipositor 76 millim.;
pronot. 7; head 5; ovipositor 28; ant. femora 13; post,
femora 38. Pretoria.
Differs from H. hastata, the only other described species of
the genus, both as regards the different markings and the proportional
Fam. AcridxidjE.
Acrida nasuta, Linn. Pretoria.
Acrida turrita, Linn., var. calceata, Sauss. Pretoria.
Mesops abbreviatus, Pal. Beauv. Zoutpansberg.
Parga gracilis, Burm. Pretoria.
Phymateus leprosus, Fabr. Pretoria.
Phymateus morbillosus, Linn. Pretoria.
Phymateus squarrosus, Linn. Pretoria.
Ochrophlebia ligneola, Serv. Pretoria.
Maura rubro-ornata, Stal. Pretoria.
Taphronota porosa, Stal. Pretoria.
Petasia spumans, Thunb. Pretoria.
----- , var. ater, Dist. (Tab. IV. fig. 3.)
Black; anterior and posterior margins of thorax above,
interior area of wings, basal halves of anterior and intermediate
femora, tibiae excluding bases and apices, tarsi excluding
apices, and the palpi bright coralline red. Pretoria.
Porthetis cinerascens, Stal. Pretoria.
Porthetis griseus, Serv. Pretoria.
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