Locust chased by dogs, 89.
eaten by Kafirs, 72.
eaten by poultry and bustards,
impaled on barbed wire, 55.
swarm, 71.
Longicornia, 201.
Habits &c., 201.
Lophoceros leucomelas, 164,166.
Lophonotus, sp., 244.
Lost in the wood-bush, 91.
Luciola capensis, 197.
Lyccmesthes liodes, 234.
Lycauges donovani, sp. n., 240.
Lycus (eolus, 196.
ampliatus, 196.
bremei, 123,196.
constrictus, 196.
■ — — dilatatus, 196.
distanti, sp. n., 196.
integripennis, 196.
kolbei, 196.
—— pyriformis, 196.
rostratus, 196.
subtrabeatus, 196.
■ zonatus, 196.
I/ygceidce, 45, 67, 247.
Lygceosoma villosula, 247.
LygcBus campestris, sp. n., 247, 253.
desertus, sp. n., 247, 252.
elegans, 247;
planitiee, sp. n., 247, 252.
rimlaris, 247.
septus, 247.
trilineatus, 247.
Dygdamia capitata, 258.
Mabuia striata, 174.
trivittata, 87, 173, 174.
Great resemblance to snake
when curled up, 87.
Inhabit holes with toads, 87.
Machetes pugnax, 169.
Machla porcella, 199.
MacLachlan, R., 256.
Macroglossci trochilus, 236.
Macroma cognata, 194.
Macronyx capensis, 164, 168.
Magato, chief of the Makatese, 107.
Magwambas, the, 100. |
Dress, 101.
Funeral dances &c., 102.
Killing an ox and great dance,
Love of strong liquor, 102.
Number in the Spelonken, 101.
Originally refugees from surrounding
districts, 100.
Maiden-hair ferns, 45.
Maize cultivated by Kafirs, 83.
Majuba Hill, 10, 90,120, 128,135.
Makapan’s Cave, 82, 84.
Immense slaughter of Kafirs,
Kafirs blockaded by Boers, 82.
Makapan’s Poort, 81.
Scene of murder by Kafirs in
1854, 81.
Makatese, the, 107.
Location in the Spelonken, 107.
Malacodermata, 196.
Malays at Cape Town, 5.
Mamestra breviuscula, 238.
renisigna, 238.
Mammalia, 152,157.
Mangoes, 125.
Man’s development of the Transvaal
a struggle with the different forces
and agents of Nature, 89.
Manticora tuberculata, 50,187.
Mantis sacra, 258.
Maritzburg=Pietermaritzburg, 121,
Mashonaland trek, 85.
Maura rubro-omata, 259.
Mavendas, the, 107.
Iron-smelting and iron manufacture,
Making a pick or hoe, 108.
Megachile maxillosa, 210.
Megalonychus interstitialis, 188.“
Melanitis leda, 232.
Melinesthes wmbonata, 194.
Melittophagus meridionalis, 106.
Melybceus crassus, 195.
Men who early in life visit South
Africa seldom finally leave it, 87,
Menius distanti, sp. n., 206.
Merops apiaster, 44, 152, 166.
Mesa diapherogamia, sp. n., 211, 225.
Mesops abbreviatile, 259.
Micranterus validus, 199.
Microstylum dispar, 244.
Milvus cegyptius, 56, 165.
Mimicry, 41, 66, 92.
Mimosa-bark, 116.
Miomantis fenestrata, 258,
Mirperus jaculus, 246.
Mist and fog, 116.
Monitor, the, 77, 87, 174.
Monochelus, sp., 192.
Monoleptafiaveola, 206.
Monticola brevipes, 166.
Morcegamus globiceps, 202.
Motacilla capensis, 49, 70, 164, 168.
Attacking a moth, 70.
Pursuing species of Acrcea, 70.
Moths flying to light, 122.
Mus coucha, 159.
rattus, 152, 159.
1 (Isomys) pumilio, 159.
Musca domestica, 244.
Museum at Cape. Town, 5.
at Durban, 121.
at Port Elizabeth, 8.
Mutilla albistyla, sp. n., 211, 225.
tetensis, 211.
Mycalesis perspicua, 232.
Mygnimia belzebuth, sp. n., 211, 218.-
—— depressa, sp. n., 211, 219.
distanti, sp. n., 211, 220.
fallax, sp. n., 211, 221.
Mylabris capensis, 199.
grondali, 199.
lunata, 199.
mixta, 199.
ophthalmica, 92, 199.
Mylabris transversalis, 126,199.
tristigma, 199.
Mylothris agathina, 234.
Myoxus mwrinus, 159.
Myriopoda, 181.
My rmecocichla formicívora, 166.
Myrmeleon trivirgatus, 256.
Nanotragus scoparius, 159.
Nassunia bupaliata, 240'.
Native commissioners and treatment
of Kafirs, 98.
Nauphceta circumvagens, 258.
Nectarinia famosa, 166.
Nemognatha, 199.
Nephila transvaalica, sp. n., 91, 179,
Small colonies living in gigantic
webs, 91,179.
Neptis- agatha, 233.
Nerium oleander, 18.
Neuroptera, 255.
Habits See., 255.
Neurosymploca agria, sp. n., 230.
concinna, 236.
Newcastle, 9,119.
Nezara capicola, 246.
viridula, 246.
Night in a wagon, 96.
Nilaus brubru, 167.
Nomophila noctuella, 153, 241.
Nueras tessellata, 174.
Numida coronata, 13, 72.
Nylstroom, 80.
Nysius novitius, sp. n., 247, 254.
Oceanic birds, 4.
OchropMebia ligneola, 259.
Ocypete megacephala, 180.
(Ecanthos capensis, 258.
CEdalus acutangulus, 260.
citrinus, 260.
marmoratus, var., 260.
nigro-fasciatus, 260.
plena, 260.
(Edicnemus capensis, 169.