Body above concolorous with wings, beneath much paler in hue;
anterior tibiae dark fuscous.
Exp. wings 18 millim.
The most closely allied species to E. athiops appears to be the
E. maculifera, Butl., from Dharmsala. (TV. L. D.)
G e O M E T R I T E S .
Gonodela amandata, Walk. Pretoria.
Nassunia bupaliata, Walk. Pretoria.
Cidaria pudicata, Guen. Pretoria.
Osteodes turbulentata, Guen. Pretoria.
Sterrha sacrarla, Linn. Pretoria.
Eubolia deercana, Walk. Pretoria.
Eubolia proxaulkaria, Walk. Pretoria.
Eubolia punicaria, Guen., var. Pretoria.
Lycauges donovani, sp. n. Pretoria.
Acidalia gazella, Wallengr. Pretoria.
Canina pcecilaria, Herr.-Sch. Zoutpansberg.
Lycauges donovani, sp. n. (Tab. II. fig. 4.)
Wings -above pale ochraceous, dusted with fuscous; anterior
wings with a fuscous fascia commencing at apex and terminating
on inner margin near centre, a zigzag fuscous line crosses cell
to inner margin, outer margin with a double series of small
brown spots ; posterior wings crossed by three transverse dark
fasciae, the central one very sinuate, outer margin with a double
series of small brown spots. Wings beneath much paler in
hue; cells of both wings with a small black spot a,t apices ;
basal areas darker, a dark oblique fascia crossing both wings,
and a dark waved outer submarginal fascia; extreme outer
margin minutely spotted with fuscous. Body above concolorous
with wings, but abdomen banded with fuscous; body beneath
concolorous with wings ; legs dull ochraceous.
Exp. wings 25 millim.
I have named this species after T. Donovan, to whose exertions
at Pretoria I am indebted for the acquisition of many
small Heterocera. (TV. L. D.)
P Y R AL E 8.
Pam. B o t y p id .®.
Acharana otreusalis, Walk.
Paliga infuscalis, Zell.
Pionea africalis, Guen.
Pam. M a r g a r o n id ®.
Euclasta warreni, sp. n.
Pam. S p il o m e l ib ® .
Haritala quaternalis, Zell.
Pam. P y r a l ib ®.
Pyralis farinalis, Linn.
Aglossa basalis, Walk.
Fam. S c o pa r id®.
Nomophila noctuella, Schiff.
Tritcea lacunalis, Zell.
Euclasta warreni, sp. n. . (Tab. II. fig. 5.)
Anterior wings above silvery grey, more or less shaded with
brownish, excepting a long discal streak which is shining and
immaculate; a narrow basal subcostal line, a large irregular
fascia occupying upper half of cell and extending to apex, two
spots—sometimes fused—on lower apical area, and some marks
near inner margin dark fuscous. Posterior wings pale greyish
hyaline, margins fuscous—apical broadly and posterior very
narrowly. Wings beneath much paler in hue. Body above
greyish brown, head with three longitudinal silvery lines in
front of eyes, margins of thorax and upper surface of abdomen
shaded with silvery grey. .
Exp. wings 35 millim. (W. L. D.)