Fam. S p h in g id ^ ;.
Hemaris Jiylas, Linn.
Macroglossa trochilus, Hiibn.
Chcerocampa schenki, Mosch.
Acherontia atropos, Linn.
Protoparce convolvuli, Linn.
(May) Zoutpansberg.
(Feb.) Pretoria.
(Sept.) Pretoria.
(Mar.) Pretoria.
Fam. Z y g æ n id æ .
Syntomis khulweinii, Lefèbv.
Trianèura fulvescens, Walk.
Anteris. zelleri, Wallengr.
Neurosymploca concinna, Daim,
Neurosymploca agria, sp. n.
Arthileta cloeckneria, Cram.
Euchromia africana, Butl.
(Jan.) Durban, Natal.
(May) Zoutpansberg
and Pretoria.
(May) Zoutpansberg.
(Jan.) Durban, Natal.
Neurosymploca agria, sp. n. (Tab. II. fig. Q.)
Anterior wings black, witb six large ocbraceous spots, arranged
transversely and obliquely in pairs, two at base, two at centre,
and two subapical, the last spot long and subquadrate; posterior
wings carmine-red, apical and outer margin (not reaching anal
angle) black, and a small discal black spot near centre of upper
margin of cell. Wings beneath as above. Head, antennae, and
thorax black, a large ocbraceous spot on each side of pronotum;
abdomen carmine-red, its extreme apex fuscous; legs black,
tinged beneath with ochraceous.
Exp. wings 29 millim. ( W. L. D.)
Fam. A g a r i s t im .
Pais decora, Linn.
Xanthospilopteryx superba, Butl.
(Feb.) Pretoria.
Fam. N y c t e m e r id æ .
Leptosoma apicalis, Walk. (Jan.) Durban, Natal.
Fam. L it h o s i id æ .
Lithosia ? fumeola, Walk.
Sieda caffra, Walk.
Petovia marginata, Walk.
Petovia dichroaria, Herr.-Sch.
Deiopeia pulchella, Linn.
(Feb.) Pretoria.
Fam. A r c t i id .®.
Teracotana submacula, Walk.
Binna linea, Walk.
Binna madagascariensis, Butl.
Anace lateritia, Herr.-Sch. (Jan.)
Egybolia vaillantina, Stoll. (Jan.
Decimia bicolor ata, Walk.
Fam. L i p a r id æ .
Loelia adspersa, Herr.-Sch.
Durban, Natal.
(Jan.) Wakkerstroom.
Fam. NoTonoNTiDi®.
Calpe apicalis, Walk.
Fam. L im a c o d id æ .
Crothcema decorata, sp. n. (Tab. II. fig. 6.)
Anterior wings above violaceous; the basal costal margin
and base, an irregularly shaped spot below discal centre, and
an apical streak ochraceous; a much-waved transverse fascia
commencing at about centre of costal margin and reaching
discal spot, which it inwardly margins, and a large subapical
patch creamy white, the last partly contains the apical ochraceous
streak ; outer margin with small violaceous spots and
lunules ; fringe ochraceous. Posterior wings and body warm
bright ochraceous, wings and body beneath bright ochraceous,
the anterior wings with a strongly reddish tinge.
Exp. wings 36 millim.
Allied to C. sericea, Butl., from Madagascar. (JV. L. D.)
Fam. L a s io o a m p id æ .
Lebeda aculeata, Walk. (Aug.) Pretoria.