Skerm, meaning of, 138
Skin diseases, ii. 33
,, of Mashona people, 132
Slag at iron-fumaces, ii. 158
Slave agents, ii. 159
„ dhows on Lake Nyassa, ii. 203
„ ferry on Nyassa, ii. .214
„ kidnappers, ii. 90, 125, 224
,, scene, % ii. 156,157
„ traffic, danger of interference,
ii. 214
Slave women, Msenga, 302
» yokes, ii. 155
Slavery at Tette,ii. 47; atChikuse’s,
126; aspects of, 127-129; in the
Shird valley, 283
Sleeping bags, palm, ii. 281
,, in the open, ii.. 246
Small-pox in the Transvaal, 24-26
Smyth, General Sir L., 5
Snake dance, ii. 11
Snakes, ii. 293
Snuff-boxes, calabash, 169
Soil near Tette, ii. 48, 49
Soldiers, Portuguese, at Tette, ii. 45
Song-birds, absence of, ii. 73, 77
Spies in Livingstonia, Chikuse’s, ii
Spinning-wheels, ii. 20
Spoonbills, ii. 73
Sport in Africa, 77
Spy, suspected as a, 210; ii. 107
Squirrels, ground, 29
Stanley, Henry M., ii. 291, 300
Statistics of diamond-mining, 12
Steamer, suitable for the Zambesi
ii. 54
Steamer, mission, at Nyassa, ii. 191
„ lla la . See Dala.
„ Lady Nyassa, ii. 220
Stella-land, 23
Steinbuck, 39
Stewart, Mr., a trader, 64,65, 67,70
„ Mr., engineer, ii. 214
Stomach, the sensitive governor of
the world, ii. 202
j Stores, amount carried, 120,121
Storks, ii. 37
Storm on the Shird, ii. 278, 279
Storms, M., a Belgian, ii. 210
Strepsieeros Kudu, 290
Sugar, Madeira, 4
Superstitions, 19, 45; about teeth,
66; about a future state, 66,238;
about baboons, ii. 25; suppression
hopeless, 117, 233-237
Supplies for the journey, 63
Table Bay, 8
„ mountain, 4
Tanganyika, lake, Giraud deserted
at, ii. 210; the road to, 214, 220
Taroman, a “ faithful,” 68; sets the
prairie on fire, 101
Tati gold fields, 40, 41
Tattoo marks, Makorikori, 229
Tchakani Vlei, 37
Tea, 63; the best tropical drink,
279; Chikuse drinks, ii. 130
Teeth, bad, 230
Teeth-filing, ii. 20,195
Teteiros, natives of Tette, ii. 43
Tette, Portuguese town on the Zambesi,
106; ii. 41; in Livingstone’s
time, 42; its appearance,
41, 42, 45; decay of, 42 ; fetich-
ism at, 43, 44; soldiers at, 45‘;
native labour at, 45; its history,
47; slavery at, 47; native hunters
at, 47; Europeans in, 4 7 ;
soil near, 48, 49; industries at,
48; burial service at, 50; white
ants at, 53; departure from, 58, 59
Thackeray on Africa, 1
Theft unknown, 153
,, Makorikori punishment of
Thermometers smashed, ii. 90
“ Thirst Land,” the, 36
Thomas, Mr., an early settler in
Matabeli-land, 24, 51
Thomas, Mr. D., of Shiloh, 72-75
Thomas, Mr. Morgan, 72,73
‘‘Three Brothers,” the, 276
Time, natives, heedless of, 106,250
Tobacco, 230; ii. I l l
Toothache, curing thè, ii, 27
Tower muskets, 225,
Towns, Mashona, 117,118
Trade, articles for, 121
Trader, a wily native, 185
Trading for pigeons, ii. 28
Tragedy of Chiputula, ii. 256, 257,
Travel in Africa; estimating, ii. 17
Transvaal, 22, 23 ; justice in the,
Tribes. See under names :—Ajawa ;
Amaholi ; Bahurutsis ; Banyai ;
Bazurke; Bechuana; Landin(see
also Angoni) ; Makalaka ; Ma-
kangu ; Makorikori ; Mashona,
Matabeli; Mtande; . Mtavanda;
Mtavara ; Wazezurus ; Sopetta.
Trick in gold dealing, a, 184
Tricolour, the, canoe, desertion of
the crew, ii. 271
Troughs, wooden, 248.
Tsessebe antelope, 114
Tsetse fly, 145,184, 256, 282, 293,
306, 307; ii. 24, 33, 48, 54, 63,
. 65, 75,118, 193
Twins killed by Bechuana, 66
Uakania mountains. See Kusaka.
Ubenanzwa’s country, 73
TJla, a superstitious, ii. 233, 234
Umganen village, 51, 64
Umhlangene station, 75,102
Umbelo, a Matabeli, 74
Umkhosi river, 51, 62, 71
Umlugulu, a headman, 73
Umquadzi river, 144,148
Umtenge river, 126
Umvukwe mountains, 94,144,1$6,
190, 192,193, 310
Umvuli river, 85
TJmzengaizi river, 310 ; ii. 18
TJmzengezi river, 190
Umzjlagazi, the conqueror, 42 ; his
death, 61, 64, 66,
Umzwezwe river, 83
Universities Mission, ii. 214
Unyamwenda, the chief, 130
„ Little, 108
„ people,threatsof,177
Urongwe, wells of, ii. 139
Usibigo, a Matabeli, 73
Usikuana and his people, massacre
of, 61
Usinduana, a Matabeli, 73
Uxudla, i.e. beer, 59
V a a l river, 17
Vanity, a characteristic of African
potentates, ii. 108
Vermin in the Chibinga hut, ii. 13
Victoria Falls, 41, 72,107
Vilange river, ii. 82
Villages only makeshift affairs, ii. 33
Vitality of Zebra, 79
Vultures, hovering, 268
Vunga mountains, ii. 25
Waggon, necessity for a, 70; abandoning
the, 108, 109,124
Waggon-life, pleasures of, 98
Wanhungwe,, people, ii. 43
Wangwana men from Zanzibar, ii.
War, the Transvaal, 23 ; dread of,
33; on the Shire river, ii. 55 ;
rumours of, 91,133,148 ; Mako-
lolo, 215; Portuguese and Mazin-
jiri, 223, 246, 256, 262; end of
the, 267; its origin, 274-277;
war scenes on the Shird, 278,282
Warning, a woman’s, 210
Wart-hog, 290
Water-buc]£, ii. 218, 244, 245
Water-bucks, ii. 173
Water-wells, 29
Waynge river, 156, 166, 220, 234
Wazezurus tribe, 312