Forge, a primitive, 158,159
Francolins, 300; ii. 34
Frasincho, an. unlooked-for friend,
ii. 94
Fred, Livingstone’s boy, ii. 231
Fredericks, Captain of the llala, ii.
Free State, Orange, 11
Freebooters of the Transvaal, 23
Fumigating for small-pox, 24, 25,
Funeral feasts, ii. 57
„ services, Ohiputula’s, ii. j
Furnaces, iron smelting, ii. 158
Gardens, Matabeli, 49
Gill, Dr., 8
Giraffes, 29, 30; slaughter of, 33;
Giraud, Lieutenant V.,ii. 210, 217,
219, 220, 222,223,226,240,243,
244, 246, 253, 260, 265,268, 270,
286, 287, 290, 291, 296, 298
Girls, bartering, ii. 242
,, of Angoni-land, ii-139,140
Goat, eccentricities of a, 147 ; left
behind, 275
Goats, ii. 152; in the “ Fly”
country, 33; killed by leopards,
Gobuluwayo. See Buluwayo.
God, no Ideal, 249
God, natives have no conception of
a, ii, 132
Gold, 149; in the Busaka mountains,
218, 219, 184, 225, 233,
264, ii. 18,19, 49
Gold-dealing, ii. 9
Gold-dust, mode of carrying, 147
Gold-fields, the Tati, 40, 41
Gold .mming at Tati, 42, 43
Gold ornaments, absence of, 230
Gold-producing rivers, 218
Gold seekers, American, 20
Gold-washing, 225 ; ii. 18
Gontd trees, 197
Goque river, 79
Gorilla dance, ii. 11
Govea, a Portuguese commander, ii.
267, 273
Grass fires, ii. 77
“ Greenhorn ” gold, 184
Greite, Mr., 24
Grumapudzi river, 144, 218, 225
Gubuluwayo. See Buluwayo.
Guinea-fowl, 39, 300; ii. 26
Gun accident, a fatal, ii. 213
Gunpowder, native, 233
Gwailo river, 80
Gwigwi river, 138
H a l f - c a s t e kings, ii. 46
Hanyane river, 80, 94, 100, 108,
Harkess, Mr. W., of the llala , ii.
210, 219, 221
Harris, Mr. (London Missionary
Society), ii. 220
Hartebeest, .81,144,168
Headrings of headmen, ii. 110, 111
Head-shaving, ii. 21; .among women,
Hemp-smoking, 152, 230; ii. 65
Henry express rifle, 78
Hens, Misiri and the, ii. 88
Hermansberg Mission, 25
Hippopotamus, 19, ii. 55,112,113,
175, 217, 218, 219; charged by,
250; trenches of, 96
Hippotragus niger, 171
Hive-shaped huts, 53
Hlonipa, the law .of, 65 ,
Hollow bullets, disappointing, 47,
Holub, Dr-, 7, 8
I Honey, 93
Honey - birds warning elephants,
Hooft, Mr., a Dutch trader, ii. 286
Hope Fountain mission station, 52
Hopes of Africa, ii. 301, 302
Horse sickness, 46
Horses, absence of, 248
„ “ salted,” 21
Hostage from the Portuguese, ii.
267; his dangerous position,
Hot springs of the Zambesi, ii. 58
Hottentot liking for the name of
John, 43
Houses of missionaries at Living-
stonia, ii. 193
Houses on stilts, 276
Hungry followers, ii. 79
Hunters, Maravi, ii. 115
,, native, at Tette, ii. 47
Hunting, 29, 30,84,90,91,92,114,
145, 203, 241, 267,- 303, 304; ii.
26, 170,171, 217, 244, 245, 247,
248, 249, 250, 251
Hunting-medicine, ii. 116
Huts of Matabeli Queens, 53, 55
, ,, form of, 148
„ ' filthy, 291
H yenas, 270 ; ii. 141
I g n o r a n c e , native, 250
Igova, a Mashona town, 169,182
Igrezi, native name for English, ii.
75, 79
Ikalafing, a chief, 24, 25
llala, The, mission steamer, ii. 209,
210; 217, 221, 229
Irnpisi, a name for leopards, 93
Implements, the manufacture of,
Incursions by Matabeli, 33
Indecency of Landin, ii. 74
Indifference to danger, a pagan
characteristic, ii. 270
Industry not a prominent trait of
the blacks, 74
Industries, 119 ; at Tette, ii. 48
Infidelity, conjugal, ii. 238
Inhamessinga, a chief, ii. 54, 55
Inkwezi river, 43, 44, 45
Insanity unknown, 252
Interpreters, doubts about, 216
Inthlathlangela village, 51
Inyati mission station, 75
Inyota, a Makorikori town, 237;
departure from, 203
Inyota-men paid off, ii. &
Inxwala, a great dance, 60
Iron, 225
„ bows, 230
„ ore, signs of working, 257
„ smelting furnaces, ii. 158
Ironstone, 160
Ironworking, 159
Irrigation, 35
Ivory, half claimed by chiefs, ii.
255, 256
J a - j a , or lip rings, ii. 195
Jacobsdaal, 24
Jandani mountain, ii. 78
Jansen, Mr., of Hermansberg, 25
Jesuit Fathers at Tati, 41; at
Tette, ii. 42, 50
John, a name liked by Hottentots,
John, the Korana hunter, 43, 68;
his drunken freak, 69, 71; 76
“ Johnny,” the old British tar, 54; 67
Jumbe, a slave ferryman, ii. 214
Jumbd’s, slaves at, ii. 155
Justice towards natives, ii. 300
K a f f i r diamond workers, 15
Kaffir pluck, ii. 198
„ superstitions, 45
Kaffirs, voracious, 93
Kafua mountains, ii. 24
Kalahari desert, 33
Kameo river, ii. 95
Kanga Tore, a native name for
guinea-fowl, 304
Kankune, King of Makanga, ii. 66,
142; a bloodthirsty tyrant, 143
Kanyemba, a slave boy, 36
„ a Zumbo chief, ii. 46
Kapinja river, ii. 38