Companion, an affrighted, 241;
longing for a, ii. 174 •
Conjugal infidelity, ii. 238
Conjurors of Msenga, ii. 10
Consul at Blantyre, uselessness of a,
ii. 226, 259
Contentment of natives, 249-251,
Cooking, rough, ii. 88
Copper, 225
Corn-grinding, ii. 167
Corn stores of the Angoni, ii. 113
Costumes of Msenga minstrels, ii. 10
Cotton, ii. 19
Couches of cane mats, 52
■Courage of Kaffir, ii. 198
Cows, Mashona, 182
Crane, crested, ii. 114,150
Crocodiles, 39, 80; victims of, ii.
55 ; shooting, 113,217 ; in Lake
Nyassa, 202; traveller killed by,
Cruelty, instances of Kankune’s,
ii. 143-145
Cuculos Indicator (honey-hird), 94
Cynocephalus porcarius, 256
,, babuini, ii. 25
D a C o s t a , E ustaqtjxo, welcome
appearance of, ii. 106; friendly
assistance from, 142,187
Daingi, town, ii. 29
Dake river, ii. 25, 29
Damp, dangers of, 99
Dance, the great Mataheli, 60
Dances, extraordinary, ii. 10,12
Dancing, similarity of civilised and
savage, ii. 12
Danube, steamer, 8, 10
Dartmouth, 3
Date palm, 197
Dawson, Mr. James, 30
Day, a lost, ii. 40
Dead, burial of the, 249; wallers
for the, ii. 104; mourning over
the, 137
Deare, Major, 9
Deaths, customs at, ii. 52, 53
De Beers Diamond Mine, 12,15,
De Souza, Don Manuel Antonio,
ii. 267, 273
Delagoa Bay, game leaving, ii. 48
Delay, dangers of, ii. 81
Desertion, dangers of, ii. 81; by
Landin, 83; by Maravi, 91, 92
Deuka’s town, ii. 86
Dews, heavy, 130
Deza, Mount, ii. 150
Diamond Fields, 5, 6, 9,11
„ dealing restrictions, 15
„ market, 14
,, mining, 11,12,13,14
Diet, 189
„ of Angoni people, ii. 122
Digging for a bath, 297
Dingamombe mountain, 273
Dismemberment, a punishment, ii.
Dissel boom, a broken, 70
Divers, ii. 73
Doctoring a chief, ii. 199
Donkeys, absence of, 248 ; victims
to tsetse fly, ii. 118
Dorah river, 264
Dove, stalking a, ii. 202
Draughts, ii. 33, 49
Drinking in the tropics, 279
Drummond Castle, steamer, 3;
Drums of native make, 225; carried
by Xopetta, ii. 242
Dry river beds, 289, 305, 310; ii.
18, 25,32, 39, 63
Du Toit’s Pan Diamond Mine, 12
Ducking, a, 80
Duiker, 39, 77, 265
DunJceld, s.s., ii. 297
Dysentery, 245 ; ii. 194, 201, 284
„ cure for, ii. 220
E a bw ig s , 150
Eclipse of the sun, a puzzle to
Lo Bengula, 67
Edwards, Mr. Sam, 41
Eland, 135,144,203,235,241,259,
290; ii. 2
Elephants, 44, 77; trees uprooted
by, 83, 89; an exciting hunt,
90-92; ii. 47, 106, 115, 170,
Elephant-fat, melting, 113
Elephant-hunter, Da Costa, the, ii.
Elephant tracks, ii. 169,172
Elliot, Mr., missionary at Inyati, 75
Emigrants deceived, 37, 38
Encounter, an unexpected, ii. 93
Endurance of Matabeli, 189
England, return to,. 300
English cannibals, belief about, ii.
■ 75
English currency, Sakanii’s, appre-
, ciation of, ii. 17
Entertainments, Mashona, 140,143 ;
at Chibinga, ii. 12
Equipment for the journey, 63
Etsatse river, 145, 148, 235
>, Valley, 214
Eucalyptus, 25; ii 221
Euphorbia arborescens, 29
Europeans in Tette, ii. 47
Execution scenes, ii. 28,137
Exercise, benefit of, ii. 64
Exodus of Mtavara, ii. 32, 33
Explorers, old, 2
Explosion, tremendous, 9
F a i r b a i r n , Mr. G e o r g e , 51, 52,
54, 55, 57, 64, 67, 69, 70, 71
“ Faithfuls,” the, 68; paying off
the, ii. 7 ; farewell to the, 8
Fat, how to get, ii. 195
Fatness, a Kaffir ambition, 35
Fauresmith, 11
Feast, a royal, 56
„ at Chibinga, ii. 2, 3, 4
Feather head-dress, 49
Feathers, native liking for, 49
Feeders, gross, 189
Feet, torments of, 187, 192, 274 5
* ii. 34
Fema mountains, ii. 36
Fenwick, a hunter, ii. 215, 223;
kills Chiputula, 257; his own
fate, 258
Festivals, similarity of civilised
and savage, ii. 12
Fetichism at Tette, ii. 44
Ferry for slave traffic, ii. 214
Fever, African, 4 1 ; at Tati, 4 l ;
in Matabeli-land, 51, 62; produced
by damp, 99; ii. 49 ;
marshes the hotbeds of, 293;
attacked by, 297
Findlay, Mr., 8
Fire, mode of defeating grass, 101
Firearms, result of familiarity of
natives with, 44 :
Fire water of civilisation, ii. 9
Fires'essential to Mashona, 134.
Fires, prairie, 70; pursued by
prairie; 10 1 ; an immense, 128;
prairie, ii. 77
Firmness with natives, ii. BOO
Fish, ii. 73
„ and fishermen dn the Kwakwa,
ii. 294.
Fish hawks, ii. 190’
Fishermen of Lake Nyassa, ii. 197
Fishing on Lake Nyassa, mode of,
ii. 170
Fit, curing a, 223
Flies, 36 ; in myriads, 293
Flint-locks, 225 ; in Angoni-land,
ii. 89
Floods, ii. 49
“ Fly,” country, 145. See Tsetse
Fonseca, Vincente Rubero de, 312.
See Sakanii.
Food, native, 251; bad, ii. 99;
half-cooked, 122
Foote, Captain, death of, ii. 225
Forest, cutting through, 83
Forests, ii. 63
x 2