Motacilla nisoria, Bechstein, Naturg. Deutschl. iv. p. 580
Sylvia nisoria, Naum. ii. p. 430; Yarr. ed. 4s, iii. p. ix;
Dresser, ii. p. 435.
Fauvette eperviere, French; Sperber-Grasmucke, German.
As I have no acquaintance whatever with this species
in a wild state, I will merely note here that four well-
authenticated occurrences in Great Britain are recorded
by Mr. Howard Saunders in his ‘Manual of British
The Barred Warbler is a summer visitor to Central
and South-eastern Europe, but is certainly rare to the
west of the Rhine and Rhone. I have three of this
species caged at this time of writing; in attitude, song,
and general demeanour they very much resemble our
Lesser Whitethroat, but are the least restless of any
Warblers that I have ever kept in captivity.
B A R R E D W A R B L E R .
Sylvia nisoria (Bechst.).