Sturnus collaris, Soop. Ann. I. Hist. Nat. p. 131 (1769).
Accentor alpinus, Naum. iii. p. 940; Macg. ii. p. 258;
Hewitson, i. p. 96.
Accentor collaris, Yarr. ed. 4, i. p. 296; Dresser, iii. p. 29.
Accenteur alpin, French ; Alpen-Fluhvogel, German; Serrano,
Pajaro de la nieve, Spanish.
A rare and accidental visitor to our country, where it
is, however, very possible that it may have been often
overlooked. My personal acquaintance with this species
in Northern Italy, Turkey, and Spain induces me to
believe that it seldom leaves the alpine heights, which
constitute its summer abode, unless driven by extreme
stress of weather to lower regions; in such circumstances,
in the province of Asturias, it appears in great
numbers in the mountain villages.
The Alpine Accentor is very tame and fearless of
man; in general habits it much resembles our familiar
Hedge-Sparrow, but its song is greatly superior.
The subjects of the accompanying Plate were drawn
from living birds in my possession.
A L P I N E A C C E N T O R .
(Accentor collaris.)