Motacilla Melanope, Pall. Reise Russ. Reichs, iii. p. 696
(1776) ; Dresser, iii. p. 251.
Motacilla sulphurea,Bechst. Gemeinn. N aturg.Vög.Deutschl.
ii. p.4 5 9 (1807); Naum. iii. p. 824; Yarr. ed. 4, i.
p. 552.
Motacilla boarula, Macg. ii. p. 235 ; Hewitson, i. p. 167.
Bergeronnette jaune, French ; Graue Bachstelze, German ;
Agua nieves amarüla, Pepita, Spanish.
This species, for which “ Long-tailed ” would be a
much more appropriate designation than that by which
it is commonly known, breeds in many parts of England
and Scotland, and during the summer is generally to be
found in hilly districts, frequenting the banks of clear
and rapid streams. In the autumn and winter this bird
may be met with in most parts of the country, chiefly
haunting the vicinity of water.
In Ireland, according to Thompson, it is extensively,
though not universally, distributed.
Gr.KeuLemazva del. et lith. Miniem Bros. imp.
GREY "WAGTAIL , &jav. summer'.
Motacilla. sulplrarea,.#echsl.