Locustella naevia, Bodd. Table des PI. Eni. p. 35, no. 581
Sylvia locustella, Naum. iii. p. 701.
Sibilatrix locustella, Macg. ii. p. 399.
Salic aria locustella, Hewitson, i. p. 112.
Acrocephalus naevius, Yarr. ed. 4, i. p. 384.
Locustella naevia, Dresser, ii. p. 611.
Bec-fin locustelle, French; Busch-Rohrsänger, German.
This bird, though tolerably common as a spring
visitor to most parts of England and Wales, as well as
to Ireland and some parts of the south of Scotland, is,
from its peculiarly skulking habits, seldom seen, unless
specially sought for; but its very remarkable note may
be heard at daybreak from the time of its arrival in
early April till the middle of June in most of our
fenlands, rough sedgy pastures, and heathy and furze-
grown commons. This note, from which the bird has
acquired its common English designation, is, in my
opinion, much more accurately indicated by the name of
“ Reeler,” or Reel-bird, often applied to this species in
our eastern counties.
The nest of this Warbler is exceedingly difficult to
discover, being generally built on the ground in very
thick covert, and the birds approach it by means
of an occasionally long “ creep” or run through the
surrounding vegetation. «I.fe.Keulenmns litK •' M in tm n B ro s. imp.
Locustella uaavia (Bodd).